Saturday, November 30, 2024

Encyclical 18 - "Put the butter on the pancakes, before you put them into the microwave."

"The recipe of 'scrambled eggs' comes from when the sugar was not melted before it was placed in the chocolate chip cookie batter. This is integral, so as to ensure the proper combination of soft, 'molasses-like', ooey-gooey texture and accompanying sweetness. Cheese, also, is sometimes added to scrambled egg recipes to give them more flavor and texture." - Israel Hiddai Smith, F.Ph.D.

Melt white and brown sugar
Stir in butter
Use wet mixture ingredients in gradual combination with dry ingredients
Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Scrambled eggs come from when the ingredients from melting would cook the egg or eggs of the recipe, because the heated ingredients were added too warm.

Despite the above, always remember to have fun in the kitchen! Cookies, Carols, and Care!

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Encyclical 17

Thank you Alec for the turkey sandwich and cinnamon roll as well as Wendy's at Bird Road for nuggets and french fries! God bless you guys and have a beautiful thanksgiving! πŸ˜„ Happy Holidays! πŸŽ„πŸ₯³

Encyclical 16

The completion of the medical section and its educational value are to bring law into the scope of the university. The legal philosophies to ensue are to be based on the sciences and principles of 'food', but the heritage and tradition of human culture and human living are to truly reign in this regard.

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Virtue. Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit.

"The first sign of human intelligence is the preservation of life. How effectively one does this, with the incorporation of whole and substantive mechanics included, is the mark of a genuine gesture or notion. It is where balance seeds its principles."

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Encyclical 15

The five senses of the body are what are used to detect change, and when the different changes are able to interpret the sought balance of life and death, it is integral to respect each one to their full integrity. The five senses maintain in the way of humanity, so there is a sixth sense which can be humanely described as one’s own whole interpretations of existence manifest as something to the character of pornographic resolve. Sex is the sixth sense - by nature - and from sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell, there is the whole construction of sex as the sixth sense from an arraignment that can stem no further past where it is that one’s own blood measures by interpretive metrics. This ‘sixth sense’ is how it is that one is able to engage an interpretable fielding as one which can be survived or not, because ‘blood’ can always be virtuously ascribed to its form and interpretation. From this axis of delineation, there arises the propagacy of how it is that one is able to congruently interpret balance and activity from a wroughtly survivable design of capacity and subsequent ability. From sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell, sex carries direct implications of survival that operate along doctoral axes of interpretation granting of what is needed in terms of balance and humanity.

As long as the hormone, then, for sex has a whole place in the world, it will exist, and it will demand the feeding of humanity - no matter what. For males, this is testosterone, and for females this is estrogen. When the two are balanced in accordance with one’s own sexuality, there is the need for murderous investigation when there is any imbalance which one can perceive. From this imbalance, there is the need to ascribe full serialism and analysis wherein the computational arrangement of order and organization needed to maintain humanity whole by doctoral action presents the supplementation of balanced interpretations with provisional wholeness. The whole givings that ensue sight their own metrics, then, by classical progressions which see the human identity or identities affected as humanely accounted for along the prose of surgical sexuality. Wherever it is that life and death would transpire, it is to be made whole doctorally, elsewise regimen will see the harm as having taken place, and the whole capacity for accountability will then fall to virtuous accord.

This is the purpose of murderously correct surgery, so that investigations span the corrective length of actionable serialism, until a full wholeness is interpretively had. 🌍🌎🌏

Criminal History Matrix Changes, Encyclical 14

"The truth of humanity is embedded in how one truly does understand the gravity and consequence of their humanity. A peace be upon this earth."

Criminal History Update from Miami, Florida. There is spirit here that will move me in the light of manhood and maturity.

These different instances are the interpretation of how I have personally impacted my access to food, water, and shelter while using the toilet. A book is coming titled as "The Fundamental Philosophy of Murderously Perfect Surgery" that will make sense of what is scribed present in the matrix.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Encyclical 13

  1. Go to a live classical (Everything can be defined) performance
  2. Conduct passing during the course of the performance
  3. Clean one's person surgically
  4. Seek governed service and/or employment
Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Fundamental Philosophy. Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit.

Prophecy comes from when human activity requires the blood of the virtuous to do something. It should already be given - wherein murderous presidential investigation ensues by fundamental philosophy.

One can write their person into the will of humanity with a virtue and the necessary works and metrics of human identification.

Encyclical 12

"Captain Black"

and... "Jackie Chan himself"

and Jade from Jackie Chan, too

"The recipe of 'scrambled eggs' comes from when the sugar was not melted before it was placed in the chocolate chip cookie batter. This is integral, so as to ensure the proper combination of soft, 'molasses-like', ooey-gooey texture and accompanying sweetness. Cheese, also, is sometimes added to scrambled egg recipes to give them more flavor and texture." - Israel Hiddai Smith, F.Ph.D.

Melt white and brown sugar
Stir in butter
Use wet mixture ingredients in gradual combination with dry ingredients
Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Scrambled eggs come from when the ingredients from melting would cook the egg or eggs of the recipe, because the heated ingredients were added too warm.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Encyclical 11, "I am building Earth...for you! Hooray! :D!"

If someone were to enter into one's home and utilize one's restroom, the result could allow them gradated and/or continual access to the environment, until it is that mathematics could be conducted in the restroom allowing for the 'human' manifestation of a surgical condition, status, or truth to be known.

🌈The more you know. 🌟

i.e. An innocent example could be had in persons who are younger than one's person defecating in the restroom in accordance with proper behavior and manners, and then, following, playing music or simply singing in the restroom until it is that the entirety of the event came to be known by one. It would be the surgical conclusion of what is termed as 'artsy fartsy pornography'. The 'artsy' expression comes from the artistic capacity, knowledge and ability that would be needed, and the 'fartsy' expression comes from the use of defecation to cause the initial protest.

Words to follow,

Once this doctorate is done without food, water, and shelter being needed, I will have made a love instrumentation (a.k.a. An instrumentation for murderously perfect surgery πŸ“–). It will work by reading all of that which is in this library and then following afterward with utilizing time's measure as a means by which to answer one's question, or questions, regarding life and death. The sky charts included will aid as temporal accompaniments, because they articulate 'heavenly' or simply 'sky-based' activity. 

Planned processual dynamic:
  1. Question regarding life and death?
  2. Read Comprehensively
  3. Utilize the accompaniment of time's measure to determine the surgical fact.

🌈Did you know that...🌟

The expression 'poo' or 'pooh' comes from when someone has recognized their human body producing passing matter from a source that is human but not them. The goal is to have it so that someone genuinely recognizes one's person conducting the passing matter, but only know that it has been conducted to a surgical degree when the person who had recognized it has been wholely identified.

When the person who you identify is older than you, it is called 'siring' which comes from the word 'sire'. The word "sire" is the human articulation of manhood with the accentuated accompaniment of time's record and keeping.

The United States Presidency of 2024 - A boy or girl starves at the moment that their fitness is able to produce three genetic markers for both the male and female sex. This happens infinitesimally until their humanity is born back into the world and arrives at that moment. Three markers are for defining three genders (boy or girl; male or female; man or woman) in correct chronological order (ex. boy-boy-girl; girl-girl-boy; boy-girl-boy; et cetera), and with only two genders being possible in the human genome, it is the indication of another human hunger coming to made whole. They operate within the humane fitness of two markers, then, until their humanity can handle the sexual maturity and genealogical conduction of their human understanding as well as another's, in the same way, they manage two (boy-girl...girl-girl...girl-girl...boy-boy...etc). As they grow and live rightly, more markers are able to be managed until human life results in proper accordance and balance with death's accompanied sacredness and reverence. πŸš½ | 🚽

Upcoming Medical Series (*Ordered as it is to be conducted)
  1. Fundamental Philosophy Art Book
  2. The Fundamental Philosophy of Mathematics
  3. The Fundamental Philosophy of Mathematics Workbook
  4. Periodic Table of Elements
  5. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Introduction
  6. The Fundamental Philosophy Preparatory Text
  7. Fundamental Philosophy Encyclopedia Series
  8. The Fundamental Philosophy Supplemental Nutritional Formulas
  9. The Fundamental Philosophical Premise for Murderously Correct Surgery
  10. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Head and Neck
  11. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Back and Spinal Cord
  12. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Thorax
  13. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Abdomen
  14. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Pelvis and Perineum
  15. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Upper Limb
  16. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Lower Limb
  17. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Cross-Sectional Anatomy
  18. Fundamental Philosophy Encyclopedia Rainbow Drumtones
  19. Lunar Charts
  20. War

Blood and Milk - A Statement on Geneaology and the Day that the Lord has made...

A girl of the day's narrative, a girl of the blood's narrative, and any other girl, when grouped, are a garaunteed kill on the hormone that feeds males within the classified cycle of 'boyhood', or better written maturing sexuality.

With the three girls grouped, a fourth (selected in accordance with not only the composition of the three girls but the job needing to be done) creates the circumstances for murder by simple pattern of diet and behavior. It is the kind that comes from slave practices and disciplines where persons would be wrongfully groomed to be servants as opposed to by correct discipline or natural dynamics. πŸ” 

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Virtue by F.Ph.D. Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Encyclical 10

For those who have not conducted sexual activity, they operate as planetary geneticists within classifying militant surgical doctrine and literature, and for those who have conducted sexual activity, they are able to subsist in the EXACT same modality of survival with artful cooking practices and liken disciplines wherein a person who has not engaged in intercourse can make an honest living as a geneticist and one who has can make the same living as a cook.

Fitness plans are formulated for those of no sexual history for geneticist instruction and inevitable surgical classification and categorization.

Consistent meal provisionings are formulated for those of sexual history, so as to compose a workable palette for their continued sexual AND surgical health.

The above is applicable and integral for planetary cleanliness only when one has been classified as having been exposed to too much defecate or waste matter for crying not to be a good enough means by which to relax, heal, and aid the body - and maybe more so 'human identity' - of the persons impacted and affected by the surgically definable disposition.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Encyclical 9

If someone were to enter into one's home and utilize one's restroom, the result could allow them gradated and/or continual access to the environment, until it is that mathematics could be conducted in the restroom allowing for the 'human' manifestation of a surgical condition, status, or truth to be known.

🌈The more you know. 🌟

i.e. An innocent example could be had in persons who are younger than one's person defecating in the restroom in accordance with proper behavior and manners, and then, following, playing music or simply singing in the restroom until it is that the entirety of the event came to be known by one. It would be the surgical conclusion of what is termed as 'artsy fartsy pornography'. The 'artsy' expression comes from the artistic capacity, knowledge and ability that would be needed, and the 'fartsy' expression comes from the use of defecation to cause the initial protest.

Once this doctorate is done without food, water, and shelter being needed, I will have made a love instrumentation (a.k.a. An instrumentation for murderously perfect surgery πŸ“–). It will work by reading all of that which is in this library and then following afterward with utilizing time's measure as a means by which to answer one's question, or questions, regarding life and death. The sky charts included will aid as temporal accompaniments, because they articulate 'heavenly' or simply 'sky-based' activity. 

Question regarding life and death?
Read Comprehensively
Utilize the accompaniment of time's measure to determine the surgical fact.

🌈Did you know that...🌟

The expression 'poo' or 'pooh' comes from when someone has recognized their human body producing passing matter from a source that is human but not them. The goal is to have it so that someone genuinely recognizes one's person conducting the passing matter, but only know that it has been conducted to a surgical degree when the person who had recognized it has been wholely identified.

When the person who you identify is older than you, it is called 'siring' which comes from the word 'sire'. The word "sire" is the human articulation of manhood with the accentuated accompaniment of time's record and keeping.

The United States Presidency of 2024 - A boy or girl starves at the moment that their fitness is able to produce three genetic markers for both the male and female sex. This happens infinitesimally until their humanity is born back into the world and arrives at that moment. Three markers are for defining three genders (ex. boy-boy-girl; girl-girl-boy; boy-girl-boy; et cetera), and only two genders are possible in the human genome. They operate within the humane fitness of two markers, then, until their humanity can handle the sexual maturity and genealogical conduction of three genders in the same way, they manage two (boy-girl...boy-girl...boy-girl...boy-girl...boy-girl...etc). As they grow and live rightly, more markers are able to be managed until human life results in proper accordance and balance with death's accompanied sacredness and reverence. 🚽 | 🚽

Encyclical 8 on how I am with the work that I am actively conducting within a hematological setting and impact.

πŸ”₯ Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Fundamental Philosophy. Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit. 🌎

I can surgically finish the work of this library by drinking alcohol, fruit, and water to an F.Ph.D. pathology, but I will continue writing anyway.







750 mL - ALC 14% BY VOLUME


750 mL - ALC 13.5% BY VOLUME


In the same way one is rightly rewarded with putting butter on pancakes before they put them into their receiving heat source, sugar is to be melted before it is placed in mix with butter when making chocolate chip cookies.

A toilet 🚽 is not for anything electronic or digital, so the cycles that are a part of one's life that include the above create novel instances when they are introduced to a strictly analog atmosphere.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Encyclicalism 7

The first generals and military leaders used the interexchange of technological progression and the analog intercombinative of familial and communal living to conduct the very first gene histories and records. The practices and disciplines came to be masterfully housed within the utilization of humane gradients as a means by which to isolate and interact with different genes and gene behaviors.

Between one's largest meal ever shared and the point, or period, in which they would never eat again, there would be found the gene of humane and balanced analog living.

It would then be also that between the first piece of technology they would ever use and the most advanced, complex, or largest piece of technology they would come to use as a counter would be found the digital introduction to non-analog, or 'electronic', genes.

Small to big
Big to small
First to last
Last to first

Analog to digital
Digitial to analog

Genes came and come to be.

The more you 🌈know🌟!

Shoutout to PINCHO Burgers and Kebabs in Coral Gables! An amazing eatery!

30 Giralda Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33134

Monday, November 18, 2024

Encyclicalism 6

Hoorah for Surgery and Its Grandmastery (F.Ph.D.)! Hoorah!

The people who don't use electronics at all are completely off the toilet. The people who do have more information. The surgical operation, unbeknownst to my person, is known whole.

Hooray for the Mangoes of Shenandoah! Hooray! (M. B. S. - From where you are, walk to the nearest fruit tree and eat one of the fruits of the tree [The challenge of being a true "ninja" {as they are sometimes called} is to do it with less and less interaction from other "human beings", until it is that no one can notice when a mango is gone - not to 'take them all' OR 'steal'; but to practice athletic fitness and prowess within an elite context and setting. That is business science. M.B.S. = Masters inof* Business Science) *Goodspeech

Shoutout to Clarisse Aasgaard from the University of Miami who is studying Nursing. Go Clarisse!

And also, Tiffany Philavane! My friend from Phillip'O'Berry Academy of Technology! My track was information technology, but... I do not know which one was Tiffany's. However, she is an amazing student, teacher, and educator! Hooray Tiffany!

Hooray for my friend Felicia Smith as well! An MBA graduate who was one of the only young ladies who I was privileged to go on a date with! Hooray for Felicia, MBA! Hooray!

Following, An intonement of the Christ

In the event of sex crime, the provisioning and conduction of food is law. Until it is that no waste is produced - in regards to the whole relationship concerning food and sex - the context of that circumstance falls within inspection as being sourced to either criminal or non-criminal interaction. When the interaction is criminal, the ruling principles dictate finality along the axes of how it is that food is held in relation to the sexual element of the engagement

With sex and food known whole within the context of a criminal interaction, how is it that the waste produced finds not only finity but a point of non-existence?

When the waste from the criminality is completely done away with, the crime is considered as having been dealt with effectively and wholely.

[In thought] I am here (at the base of a tree)

[In thought] I am here (at the height of a jump)

[In thought] I am here (at the touch of a mango)

[In thought] I am here (at the fall of the mango)

[In thought] I am here (at the grab of the mango)

[In thought] I am here (at the holding of the mango)

[In thought] I am here (at the eating of the mango)

[In thought] I am here (at the breaking down of the mango)

[In thought] I am here (at the return of the mango seed to the earth)

[In thought] I am here (at the raising of that mango seed from a sprout to a tree)

[In thought] I am here (at the fruiting of that mango tree to produce mangoes)

[In thought] I am here (at the passing of my body to nourish the earth where that mango tree has grown)

[In thought] I am here (at the giving of my blood and bone to move the earth underneath that tree)

[In thought] I am here (at the giving of my blood, bone and body to the sugared fruits of that tree, so that my humanity - in being - has physically passed on into the sugar, rind and fiber of the fruits of that tree)

[In thought] I am here (at my body being taken and eaten, in remembrance of me)

Post Script,

Picking foods from their place of fruiting, my pack is on my belly

Moving backwards but in step, my friend is right behind me

I am filling, working hard, my day is now made whole

My friend and partner is the same, I think that he worked harder πŸ˜‚

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Encyclicalism 5

Fundamental Philosophy Library (πŸ“š) and Doctorate (🚽)

😘✝️I am a bookie!πŸ“–πŸ˜˜

Until I'm done writing my books (πŸ“‘), I have to ask for help with using the toilet (accessing food, water, and shelter), but once I am done, all of my books align with how I surgically know blood and blood relations. My books match my blood, but I have to make sure that I am receiving the proper aid while using the restroom. This keeps my love in shape, intact, and fully human, because my human identity is respected, and my humanity is respected, the same.

Post Script, Along with books, I love television. Here is one of my favorite television shows growing up:

Encyclicalism 4

πŸ”₯ Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Fundamental Philosophy, (F.Ph.D.). Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit. πŸ”₯

Surgery is defined as medicine whole, law without loss, and education without end. That is surgery.

The Book Titles to be Published for the Final Fundamental Philosophy (F.Ph.D. Curriculum) Library Accreditation
  • All (Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Fundamental Philosophy Library. Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit.)
  • The Turn of the 21st Century Trojan Virus and the Discipline of Abstinence: Following the Story of Human-Technology Relations from a Medical Perspective - The Rispinto-Belfour Chronicles
The Book Titles to be Continued, Revised, and Proofread (Written in no particular order)
    • Fundamental Philosophy Artwork
    • The Fundamental Philosophy Preparatory Text
    • Fundamental Philosophy Encyclopedia Series
    • The Fundamental Philosophy Supplemental Nutritional Formulas
    • Fundamental Philosophy Encyclopedia Rainbow Drumtones
    • The Fundamental Philosophical Premise for Murderously Correct Surgery
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Mathematics
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Mathematics Workbook
    • Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Introduction
    • Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Head and Neck
    • Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Back and Spinal Cord
    • Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Thorax
    • Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Abdomen
    • Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Pelvis and Perineum
    • Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Upper Limb
    • Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Lower Limb
    • Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Cross-Sectional Anatomy
    • Lunar Charts
    • A King's Wardrobe
    • Ten Concepts on the Nature of Existence
    • Applied Philosophy and a Comparative Analysis of Various Fielded Disciplines
    The Book Titles to be Composed, Drafted, and Continued in Design (Written in no particular order)
    • Eating Clean to Adult Sexual Content Pornography - The War Among Adults and How They Ate Clean to Each Other [Contemporary Reading of Challenge: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court]
    • Eating Clean to Child Sexual Content Pornography - The War Among Children and How They Eat Ate Clean to Each Other [Contemporary Song of Challenge: Who Will Survive in America by Kanye West featuring Gil-Scott Heron]
    • Non-Violent Humanist Barbarianism: Virgin Principles and Clean Eating
    • Combat - Communication Battalions and Communications Technology
    • Command of Manhood is Found in Reading
    • Choral Knowledge and Humanity's Intrinsic Harmony
    • Law - The Philosophy of Law
    • Engineering - Building a ... (House; Land Vessel; Sea Vessel; Air Vessel)
    • Kobe Χ™Χ©Χ¨ΧΧœ : The Philosophy of Martial Art
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Business
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Education
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Governance
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Political Science
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Environmental Sciences (Army Science, Naval Science, and Aerial Science)
    • Humanity and One's Human Identity
    • Fundmental Philosophy Curriculum (a.k.a. What order to read the Fundamental Philosophy Library in)
    • Music: The Art of the Heron
    • Music: The Art of the Crane
    • Music: The Art of the Stork
    • Music: The Art of Sound
    • Love: A Science of Principle
    • Main Library Listings Pamphlet Brochure
    • A Final Epic of Transcribing the Bible after the Completion of the Library
    • What my Community Means to Me by Israel Hiddai Smith, F.Ph.D.
    • Who I am by Israel Hiddai Smith, F.Ph.D.
    • Fundamental Philosophy Artwork
    • Autobiography
    • The Devil and Carnivores
    • Satan and Herbivores
    • The Devil and Satan
    • Jesus the Christ
    • God
    • Starvation: The Most Lethal Form of Martial Art
    • The Criminal History of Israel Hiddai Smith
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of the American Red Cross
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of the Electronic Benefits Transfer, SNAP, Social Welfare Program
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library System
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Database Information Systems
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Federal Law in the United States of America
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of State Law in the United States of America
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Municipal Law in the United States of America
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Marijuana
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Tobacco
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Alcohol
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Lysergic Acid Amide
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Indecent Exposure
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Public Indecency
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Drug Dealing
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Automobiles
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Documented Identification
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Art Based Rebellion and Art Based Protest
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Adult Sexual Content Pornography
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Child Sexual Content Pornography
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Sex Crime
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Arson
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Theft
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Pharmaceutical Doctoral Disciplines
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Societal Infrastructure
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Southern Cuisine in the American South
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Pastoralism
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of English Sports and Food Culture
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Korean Barbecue: Does Anyone Use Dry Rub Tobacco or Sauce Tobacco?
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of North Carolina Agriculture
    • Knowing the Seed of Life's Cultivation and Death's Cultivation within the Scope of Humanism
    • Blood and Platelets: Understanding the Discipline of Hematology and Phlebotomy
    • Theory
    • Astronomy
    • Astrophysics
    • The Man and the Ewe
    • Arthurian English Folk Series, Book I: These Three Kings
    • Arthurian English Folk Series, Book II: The First of Kings
    • Arthurian English Folk Series, Book III: The Son of a King
    • Arthurian English Folk Series, Book IV: Wizard
    • Arthurian English Folk Series, Book V: Owl
    • Arthurian English Folk Series, Book VI: Sword and Shield
    • Sugar
    • Hannotone Instrumentation
    • Chess
    • Submersion: Being Underwater
    • A Historical Record and Journal of the Modern Day in the Contemporary Writing of Goodspeech
    • Water, Yeast, Honey, and Alcohol
    • The Fundamental Philosophy of Agriculture and Nutrition
    • Shakespeare
    • Vegetables and Vegetables
    • Tax Code
    • The Salvation Army
    • Oncology: Starvation and Immunology
    • The Poverty of Gun Culture
    • The Promise of Violence is Famine and Disease
    • The Mathematical Miracle of Humanity
    • Milk: The Energy of Child Developmental Psychology
    • Optometry, Ophthalmology, and Optics
    • Debt
    • Unsung: A Soldier's Virtue is Starvation
    • Banana Grove: The Story of Poonani the Wicked
    • Fundamental Philosophy of House Design
    • Fundamental Philosophy of Land Vessel Design
    • Fundamental Philosophy of Air Vessel Design
    • Fundamental Philosophy of Sea Vessel Design
    Fundamental Philosophy Library (πŸ“š) and Doctorate (🚽)

    Encyclicalism 3

    πŸ”₯ Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Fundamental Philosophy, (F. Ph. d.). Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit. πŸ”₯

    Saturday, November 16, 2024

    Encyclicalism 2

    πŸ”₯ Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Fundamental Philosophy, (F. Ph. d.). Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit. πŸ”₯

    Thursday, November 14, 2024

    Encyclicalism 1

    πŸ”₯ Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Fundamental Philosophy, (F. Ph. d.). Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit. πŸ”₯

    Shoutout to Tea & Poets for allowing me use of their restroom as well as a clean and safe environment to work. Hooray Community!

    πŸ”₯Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Fundamental Philosophy. Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit.πŸ”₯

    Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit.

    The count and track of fifty different stellar rotations between the last toilet one's person used and the closest airplane airport can be utilized as a wrought instrumentation for all of the governed activity within a defined geographic landscape and populace.

    *50 stellar cycles [the largest valued count of heavenly references within the United States of America's governing doctrine] can define 1 government.

    Fun fact: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are all geometric formations meant to articulate everything BUT value. Their respective geometric formations (measured linearities and curvature) are far more important than their value, which can be found present in the angular numerals seen in the hannotone instrumentation tab.

    πŸ”₯Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Fundamental Philosophy Doctorate. Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit. πŸ”₯

    Fundamental Philosophy (F. Ph. d.)

    The energy one places and puts into their art is reflected in how it develops and encourages one's own person in kind.

    Fundamental Philosophy, (F. Ph. d.)

    πŸ”₯ Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.

    Using a restroom,

    I) Enter properly suited
    II) Conduct business within the mechanics of what is present
    III) Leave properly suited

    *Leave it whole
    *Leave it better than it was before

    Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit. πŸ”₯

    Wednesday, November 13, 2024

    University Progress the...Lower Limb Section!

    University Direction

    πŸ”₯Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.

    Fundamental Philosophy (F. Ph. d.)

    Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit.πŸ”₯

    A healthy means by which to make whole and apparent sexuality and the mature conversation of 'sex' is by considering one's person as one part of a recipe which uses only 'sugar'. If the two different persons involved were to combine their respective recipes, what humanity would result?

    Sexual Awareness
    Sexual Health
    Sex Education

    How good is one at baking?
    How good is one at understanding the surgical chemistry of baking?

    The more you know 🌈🌟!