Monday, August 19, 2024

The Fundamental Philosophy of Law (F. J. D.)

If a book is known and any profanity is spoken against those of agreement, they are to be booked in kind.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fundamental Philosophy of the United States of America

My criminal history matrix and the family and friends tab intercombinatively house the cure for eyesight. The sciences, works, and art of this library house the instrumentations by which the aforewritten cure is made 'sense' of. 😄 Use the below curriculum for formulation:

Earth, Fire, Water, and/or Air. 🛁 FAITH.
Earth, Fire, Water, and/or Air. 🛏 ABSTINENCE.
Earth, Fire, Water, and/or Air. 🩸 SACRIFICE.
Earth, Fire, Water, and/or Air. 🌅 TRUTH.


Holism, i.e. (id est) E Pluribus Unum

Fundamental Philosophy of Diseases, Conditions, Ailments, et cetera

One of the easiest ways to consider the different conditions which exist with human history and science is how the human body 'eats to' being whole while in the throes of the condition. Does the human body eat clean to being whole or does it eat unclean to being whole? The process is one that can be outlined with the direct pathology of the complete and full expression of the humanity present in the 'taking in' of energy as one which produces wholeness. Regardless of what the circumstances are regarding the 'kind' or 'sort' of wholeness, when one takes in 'food' or 'energy' wholeness naturally happens, it is just the means by which a human body (and even more so humanity) can sustain that wholeness that determines the suppositional integrity of the action. Sexually transmitted diseases, infections, conditions, ailments, et cetera are as they are because the different blooded relations between any and all persons who exist in creation come to be ones that place people ('human beings') in a position where they can not eat to wholeness among each other. A supposed 'limit' is placed on their ability to exude and exemplify wholeness. It does not mean that sickness is inevitable or present, BUT after a time,  that inability to conduct the suppositional 'wholeness' which is being actuated by the taking in of 'food' or 'energy' (especially in the company of those who eat with and among one's person) will result in an insufficiency. A part of one's humanity, and even more so 'human body', will starve. That starvation is the result of the above posed wholeness not being able to be actuated or fulfilled to its full and complete degree or measure.

A fundamental approach to the above philosophy can be written in the form of the following example:

If a farmer grows food and someone cannot eat to the wholeness, and subsequent cleanliness, that the farmer's food naturally and holistically conducts and imparts, then they will starve. This will be from the food and energy that the farmer produces being such that those who are not able to actuate and bide with their full humanity will be ones who will not be able to be a part of the cycle of growing and producing what is integral for life to happen. Written plainly: Because one cannot completely take in ALL of the humanity found present in what is integral for life, one will starve. A human being has to be able to take in ALL elements of the food production equation - whether or not they are physically present or a part of that element in its conduction. Otherwise starvation will transpire in some shape form or fashion.

Different understandings around holism and wholeness seat the above in different wisdoms and philosophies, but for the intents and purposes of this library, fundamentalism is what spells for its narrative and prose. From a fundamental perspective and philosophy, any and all conditions, diseases, illnesses, ailments, et cetera can be made whole by either starving or feeding whatever the issue may be - be it a physical or interpretable hunger or any other type of need.

The fundamental philosophy of doctoring, then, can be written as, "Anything that has ever gone wrong or resulted in 'bad' can be traced to starvation. If something happened that was not whole and not complete, it was because of starvation. Something, or someone, did not eat."

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Praise be to the Lord God in Support of Sexual Health and Awareness

On this day, the Lord's day, virginity defeated the perversion of the plague. Pedophilia is to be of study, so that humanity's victory can be cultivated, fostered, and grown in kind. Abstinent supporters are welcome to join the faith in its victory as well.

The following fields of study are to be the target for the University wherein long term progress will result in a propagable frame of continued work and prosperity.
  • General Education
    • Language Arts
    • History
    • Science
    • Mathematics
  • Theology
  • Religious Studies
  • Clergical Study
  • Mathematics
  • Surgery
  • Engineering
  • Communications
  • Computer Science
  • Computer Engineering
  • Technology
  • Astronomy Charting
    • Lunar Charting
    • Stellar Charting
    • Planetary Charting
    • Solar Charting
  • Presidential Community Service
    • Pantry and Food Service Volunteering
  • Agriculture
  • Art
  • Cooking
Peace be upon this library and its composition, and peace be upon all those of community, family, and fellowship.

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Fundamental Philosophy

Challenge yourself everyday. You are what you eat! 


"Manners maketh man."

How well can you show manners? 😃



Thursday, August 8, 2024

Fundamental Philosophy

Magic is a term used to define the effect that fat on the body has on the surgical conduction of humanity. Contingent upon how it is accumulated, a surgical action is conducted when it either is active, is not active, or active in a unique light or sort. Given that fat upon the body is accumulated within unique gradients and manners, the action which is surgically conducted in its accumulate is done so with the manner in which it is accumulated being the real way in which its surgical action is determined. It is not how the fat is purposed. It is how it is accumulated. That is a religious and scientific truth - regardless of which school may house one's humanist notions. Also, given the entirety of humanity being impacted by the action, then anything that is conducted throughout its prose holds to that gradient.

"If someone loves you enough to put clothes on you and a meal comes afterward, there is a biblical element (also written as 'the earning of a warm home') in the prose of those life and death giving actions."

The dehumanization of men who are incarcerated is something to be detested and made right in the world. It is not the role of men to be brutes and lowly animals of ungodly arraignment. The systemic conduction of life to be a lesser version of itself is to be done away with. It is of a lesser sort. Damned be the lot of those who bide by these demonic practices, for lowly is their way. 🚽 Fundamental Philosophy

The Fundamental Philosophy of Mathematics

Mixing music, mathematics, and virtue is murderous!

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth


Symmetry and asymmetry can be proofed with spatial organization in the same way that numbers can delineate a liken and analogous narrative.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Fundamental Philosophy of Vandalism

Post Script, Check out the archival site link if you are able to. A google account confirming one's person non-violently being eighteen years of age must be used to access the site elsewise it will be out of reach. The website has some unique texts and links that will still stand to be posted in this library's publishing, but the main focus is in the very first comment from the first page. It is one that reads as "The Illusion of Ignorance and Stupidity". There is a comment in the comments section that reads to where this library can be found from the archival origins. It will be in light lettering contrasting the crimson background. Spread the word for those looking to link the two sites - if it is that they are looking for them.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Fundamental Philosophy of Sexual Activity

If one witnesses the conduction of sexual activity and is not able to understand the elements of its occurrence to a full and appropriate surgical degree, waste matter will inevitably transpire - regardless of whether or not the different dimensions of the interaction can be gauged in variant basis.

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Friendly Acronymical Reminder

Pull the pin off of the device
Aim at the base of the fire
Squeeze the trigger
Sweep across the whole of the ignited area

🌅 Be safe and have fun! 😎

Shout out and clap! 👏


Right, as all things are, is where knowledge is born.

The story of sexually transmitted diseases, conditions, and infections being made whole is told along the lines of the life that naturally manifests as death's counterpart being interrupted by the knowledge that sees it known whole and known by all.

Fundamental Philosophy of Restaurants

When you purchase a meal, if it is able to be done, offer it back to the persons who have prepared it, and if they are not wanting to receive it, it is to be consumed virtuously. The virtue that arises from the event is what will define the surgery of the meal - regardless of whether or not it comes from one's own meditations or those of whom they are sharing the meal with.

If passing matter is produced during the affair, then it is to be cleaned in accordance with what it would take to have the chosen virtue of the meal spoken over, to, and for one's persons, after the cleaning has been done.

🌈The more you know!⭐

Fundamental Philosophy of Human Research and Development

In traditional human settings, females serve food, and males grow food. The precept of humanism operates in natural step with these dimensions by way of seeing those who cyclically produce and conduct blood and milk as the ones who serve food (energy), and those who cyclically produce and conduct only blood as the ones who grow food (or energy). The Holy Bible is a resonant read that emphasizes the concepts naturally embedded in the mathematics of the above.

Friday, August 2, 2024

A Temple to Preserve the Abstinent Presidency of Humanity

Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil. Not 🥞...🧇!🔥UNCC🩸Virtue ✝

The Presidential Order of School Discipline

"Whether or not one has eaten today, good was done. In eating one imparts a sacred warmth, and in not eating, one's hunger is shared wherein all are able to learn from the experience."

Fundamental Philosophy of Education

When persons notice the story of the blood being used to do things that supposedly do not carry the same sentiment that is embodied in terms of the blood's narrative and significance, it is cause to engage lessons that have allowed the story of the blood to be told.

Fundamental Philosophy of Sign Language and Martial Art

The mathematics of sign language comes from the bones of the body and the warmth that they produce. This is because when there is life in them, the humanity that embodies that life is still present, and when there is death in the bones of the body, it is evident and even more so discernable by how much warmth is left in them.

The mathematics of sign language comes from the bones of the body.

Fundamental Philosophy of Surgery

With one's increasing capacity and ability as a surgeon, the inevitability of growth in skill comes to present itself in the way of human beings finding a divine place among and within the architecture that is rightly dubbed as 'home' for their persons. Different surgical anatomies will become apparent to one's person as either 'illusions' or genuine expressions of surgical condition, and as this happens, the different geometries of surgical morphology and physiology will gradate to points of holistic resonance granting of unique sacred knowledges.

Surgical teaching moves to the tune of imparting virtue and blessing by way of gifting a whole and complete frame for understanding existence. We, as human beings, will begin to see how it is that we reflect the environment around us - be it of made construction or natural formation - and also how the environment around us is a reflection of who we are. In this wisdom, the truth of health and whole understanding will emanate eternally with the Lord's blessing.

By the will of the Lord, my surgery is done...

Fundamental Philosophy of Infinity

Even though infinity is measured with serial mathematics, the concept is usually ascribed solely to visual or 'artful' depictions, wherein serialism becomes necessary in order to contextualize experience into calculable dimensions. Even though numbers tell the story, the truth of the embedded dimensions lies in the spatial environments that are rationalized by serial figuration.

The inspirations for the ensuing land, air, and sea engineering designs are to be found in Lamborghini Marcielago LP 670-4 SV 2010. The objectives are inspired by the below in the light of a land vehicle, a submarine, and an airship (more than likely a blimp oriented design).

Credit for the above goes to food. Shout-out to sea monkeys everywhere! See monkeys everywhere! See, monkeys...everywhere...dear Lord...

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Fundamental Philosophy of Clean Eating

Dogs don’t smile or joke about bones, and people who are healthy don’t either. It is a profanity of life and death. It is where the terms of 'clown' and 'comic' come from. Clowns smile about bones, and comics joke about them. Psychopathy can be correctly diagnosed when someone who is considered as 'clownish' jokes about bones, and another who is considered as 'comedic' smiles about theirs.

Chicken bones, rib bones, turkey bones, et cetera - when they are bitten into and consumed whole along with the meat that would be present upon their form (and whatever else) it is a sign of sacred holism. It is the body known and taken in whole. By the blood, we are healed. Praise be to the Lord God Almighty - Maker of Heaven and Earth.

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.


Fundamental Philosophy of Humanism

Consider people as surgeons developing their own journals for study and record. At what point is it okay to speak to an infant? Or a cook? The measures go into the profane for what is sometimes called for, but the reality sets as one which articulates the integrity of respect. Respect is a powerful virtue because it seems all persons involved in the relevant sentiment and relation as ones who are revered at their full, due and situate capacity. Respect empowers.

The Sky Chart for July is posted!