Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Thorax

Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series


Topographic Anatomy | Thorax

Serratus anterior muscle

Cephalic vein


Body of sternum

Deltoid muscle

Jugular notch


Clavicular head

Sternal head

Sternocleidomastoid muscle

Biceps brachii muscle

Triceps brachii muscle

Axilla Anterior axillary fold

Posterior axillary fold

Clavicular head of Pectoralis major muscle

Sternal head of Pectoralis major muscle

Latissimus dorsi muscle

Xiphoid process of sternum

Serratus anterior muscle

Linea alba

Rectus abdominis muscle

Tendinous intersection

External oblique muscle

Mammary Gland | Mammary Gland

Anterolateral dissection

Pectoralis major muscle (deep to pectoral fascia)

Axillary tail (of Spence)

Serratus anterior muscle

External oblique muscle

Gland lobules


Lactiferous sinus

Lactiferous ducts



Areolar glands

Suspensory ligaments of breast (Cooper’s)

Sagittal section


2nd rib

Pectoralis major muscle

Pectoral fascia

Intercostal muscles

Intercostal vessels and nerve


6th rib

Suspensory ligaments of breast (Cooper’s)

Lactiferous duct

Lactiferous sinus

Gland lobules

Fat (subcutaneous tissue layer)

Mammary Gland | Arteries of Mammary Gland

Subclavian artery

Internal thoracic artery and its perforating branches

Medial mammary branches

Axillary artery

Brachial plexus

Brachial artery

Lateral thoracic artery

Lateral mammary branches

Axillary tail (of Spence)

Lateral mammary branches of lateral cutaneous branches of posterior intercostal arteries

Mammary Gland | Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Mammary Gland

Parasternal nodes

Apical (subclavian) nodes

Interpectoral (Rotter’s) nodes

Central axillary nodes

Lateral axillary (humeral) nodes

Posterior axillary (subscapular) nodes

Anterior axillary (pectoral) nodes

Pathway to anterior mediastinal nodes

Pathways to opposite breast

Pathways to inferior phrenic (subdiaphragmatic) nodes and liver

Body Wall | Bony Framework of Thorax

Anterior view

Jugular notch of Sternum

Manubrium of Sternum

Angle of Sternum

Body of Sternum

Xiphoid process of Sternum

Acromion of Scapula

Coracoid process of Scapula

Glenoid of Scapula

Neck of Scapula

Scapular notch of Scapula

Subscapular fossa of Scapula


True ribs (1-7)

Costal cartilages

False ribs (8-12)

Floating ribs (11-12)

Posterior view

Head of rib

Neck of rib

Tubercle of rib

Angle of rib

Body of rib

Floating ribs (11-12)


Acromion of Scapula

Supraspinous of Scapula

Spine of Scapula

Infraspinous fossa of Scapula

True ribs (1-7)

False ribs (8-12)

Body Wall | Ribs and Sternocostal Joints

1st left rib: superior view

Subclavius muscle

Grooves for subclavian vein and artery

Anterior scalene muscle

Serratus anterior muscle (1st digitation)

Middle scalene muscle



Tubercle (no angle)

2nd left rib: superior view

Serratus anterior muscle (1st digitation)

Posterior scalene muscle





Middle rib: posterior view





Articular facet for transverse process of vertebra

Superior Articular facets for vertebral body

Inferior Articular facets for vertebral body

Costal groove

Sternocostal articulations: anterior view



Interclavicular ligament

Articular disc

Costoclavicular ligament

Articular cavity

Intraarticular sternocostal ligament

Articular cavities

Costochondral joints

Costal cartilages

Interchondral joints

Xiphoid process

Costoxiphoid ligament

Rib 1

Rib 2

Costal cartilages

Rib 3

Rib 4

Radiate sternocostal ligaments

Rib 5

Rib 6

Rib 7

Rib 8

Note: The head of a typical rib articulates with the superior costal facet of the thoracic vertebra of the same number (by its inferior articular facet), the inferior costal facet of the vertebra above (by its superior articular facet), and the intervertebral disc between the two vertebrae. The costal tubercle articulates with the transverse process of the vertebra of the same number.

Body Wall | Costovertebral Joints

Left lateral view

Anterior longitudinal ligament

Inferior costal facet (for head of rib one number greater)

Interarticular ligament of head of rib

Superior costal facet (for head of rib of same number)

Radiate ligament of head of rib

Transverse  costal facet (for tubercle of rib of same number as vertebra)

Lateral costotransverse ligament

Intertransverse ligament

Superior costotransverse ligament

Transverse section: superior view

Costotransverse ligament

Lateral costotransverse ligament

Superior costotransverse ligament (cut)

Radiate ligament of head of rib

Superior articular facet of rib head

Intraarticular ligament

Synovial cavities

Right posterolateral view

Transverse process (cut off)

Superior costal facet (for head of rib of same number)

Radiate ligament of head of rib

Costotransverse ligament

Lateral costotransverse ligament

Superior costotransverse ligament

Intertransverse ligament

Body Wall | Anterior Thoracic Wall

Sternocleidomastoid muscle

Posterior triangle of neck

Trapezius muscle

Perforating branches of internal thoracic arter and anterior cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves

Pectoralis major muscle

Cephalic vein


Deltoid muscle

Long thoracic nerve and lateral thoracic artery

Latissimus dorsi muscle

Digitations of serratus anterior muscle

Lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves and posterior intercostal arteries

External oblique muscle

Anterior layer of rectus sheath

Sternalis muscle (inconstant)

Linea alba

Sternohyroid muscle Invested by cervical fascia

Sternohyoid muscle Invested by cervical fascia

Omohyoid muscle Invested by fascia


Subclavius muscle invested by clavipectoral fascia

Thoracoacromial artery (pectoral branch) and lateral pectoral nerve

Costocoracoid ligament

Coracoid process

Medial pectoral nerve

Pectoralis minor muscle by Clavipectoral fascia

Clavipectoral fascia

Digitations of serratus anterior muscle

External intercostal membranes anterior to internal intercostal muscles

External intercostal muscles

Body and xiphoid process of sternum

Internal oblique muscle

Rectus abdominis muscle

Cutaneous branches of thoracoabdominal (abdominal portions of intercostal) nerves and superior epigastric artery

Body Wall | Anterior Thoracic Wall (continued)

Omohyoid, sternohyroid and sternohyoid muscles


Subclavius muscle

Trapezius muscle

Thoracoacromial artery

Coracoid process

Cephalic vein

Pectoralis major muscle (cut)

Deltoid muscle

Intercostobrachial nerve

Long thoracic nerve and lateral thoracic artery

Pectoralis minor muscle

Digitations of serratus anterior muscle

Lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves and posterior intercostal arteries

External intercostal muscles

External intercostal membranes anterior to internal intercostal muscles

Internal oblique muscle

Rectus abdominis muscle and sheath (cut)

Internal jugular vein

Levator scapulae muscle

Anterior Scalene muscles

Middle Scalene muscles

Posterior Scalene muscles

Phrenic nerve

Brachial plexus

Thoracic duct

Subclavian artery and vein

Axillary artery and vein

Superior thoracic artery

Internal thoracic artery and veins

External intercostal muscle

Internal intercostal muscle (cut)

Transversus thoracis muscle

Anterior intercostal branches of internal thoracic artery

Intercostal nerve

Musculophrenic artery and vein

Transversus abdominis muscle

Superior epigastric arteries and veins

Body Wall | Chest Drainage Tube Placement

Preferred sites

For pneumothorax (2nd or 3rd interspace at midclavicular line)

For hemothorax (5th interspace at midaxillary line)

Trocar and cannula pushed through intercostal space

Trocar withdrawn; tube passed into chest through cannula

Cannula withdrawn; tube connected to underwater seal (with suction if indicated)

Intercostal space is pierced above rib to avoid damage to neurovascular bundle lying in costal groove

Thoracocentesis and tube drainage with underwater seal drainage usually suffices

Body Wall | Anterior Thoracic Wall: Internal View

Sternothyroid muscle

Sternohyoid muscle

Internal jugular vein

Anterior scalene muscle

Subclavian artery and vein

Clavicle (cut)

Brachiocephalic vein

Phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic artery and vein

Internal thoracic artery and vein

Anterior intercostal arteries and veins and intercostal nerve

Perforating branches of internal thoracic artery and vein and anterior cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve

Collateral branches of intercostal artery and vein

Body of sternum

Sternocostal triangle


Slips of costal origin of diaphragm

Transversus abdominis muscle

Manubrium of sternum

Common carotid artery

Inferior thyroid artery

Vertebral artery

Brachiocephalic trunk

Subclavian artery and vein

Brachiocephalic vein

Internal thoracic artery and vein

Anterior intercostal arteries and veins and intercostal nerve

Internal intercostal muscles

Innermost intercostal muscles

Transversus thoracis muscle

Musculophrenic artery and vein

Transversus abdominis muscle

Internal thoracic artery and veins

Superior epigastric artery and veins

Body Wall | Intercostal Nerves and Arteries

External oblique muscle

Lateral cutaneous branch of posterior intercostal artery

External intercostal membrane

Anterior intercostal arteries

Rectus abdominis muscle

Superior epigastric artery

Perforating branch

Anterior cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve

Pectoralis major muscle

External oblique muscle

Anterior branch of lateral cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve

Lateral cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve

Serratus anterior muscle

Internal intercostal membrane deep to external intercostal muscle

Intercostal nerve (ventral ramus of thoracic spinal nerve)

Costotransverse ligament

Medial branch of Dorsal ramus of thoracic nerve

Lateral branch of Dorsal ramus of thoracic nerve

Erector spinae muscle

Dorsal root (spinal) ganglion

Ventral root

Spinal (radicular, or segmental medullary) branch of posterior intercostal artery

Dorsal branch of posterior intercostal artery

Trapezius muscle

Rhomboid major muscle

Erector spinae muscle

Posterior intercostal artery

Internal intercostal membrane


Infraspinatus muscle

Subscapularis muscle

Serratus anterior muscle

Gray and white rami communicantes

Sympathetic trunk and ganglia

Innermost intercostal muscle

Internal intercostal muscle

External intercostal muscle

Transversus thoracis muscle


Internal thoracic artery

External intercostal muscle

Internal intercostal muscle

Innermost intercostal muscle

Thoracic aorta

Right posterior intercostal arteries (cut)

Body Wall | Phrenic Nerve

Right phrenic nerve

3rd cervical ventral rami

4th cervical ventral rami

5th cervical ventral rami

Anterior scalene muscle

Right common carotid artery

Brachial plexus

Right subclavian artery

Right vagus nerve (X)

Right internal thoracic artery (cut)

Brachiocephalic trunk

Right pericardiacophrenic artery (cut)

Superior vena cava

Root of right lung

Pericardial branch of phrenic nerve

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura

Diaphragmatic part of parietal pleura (cut)

Phrenicoabdominal branches of phrenic nerves to inferior surface of diaphragm

Left phrenic nerve

3rd cervical ventral rami

4th cervical ventral rami

5th cervical ventral rami

Anterior scalene muscle

Brachial plexus

Left subclavian artery

Left vagus nerve (X)

Left common carotid artery

Left internal thoracic artery

Thoracic cardiac nerves

Left pericardiacophrenic artery (cut)

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Root of left lung

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura

Costal part of parietal pleura

Phrenic nerves

(efferent and afferent fibers)

Lower intercostal nerves (afferent only from peripheral part of diaphragm)

Body Wall | Diaphragm: Thoracic Surface

Azygos vein

Costal part of parietal pleura

Right greater thoracic splanchnic nerve

Right sympathetic trunk


Thoracic (descending) aorta

Neck of rib

Left sympathetic trunk

Left greater thoracic splanchnic nerve

Hemiazygos vein

Mediastinal pleura


Diaphragmatic part of parietal pleura (cut away)

Left leaflet of central tendon

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura and pericardium (cut)

Left phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic artery and vein


Left costomediastinal recess of pleural cavity

Transversus thoracis muscle

Left internal thoracic artery and veins

5th costal cartilage

Middle leaflet of central tendon covered by pericardium


Anterior mediastinum

Right costomediastinal recess of pleural cavity

Right internal thoracic artery and veins

Inferior vena cava (receiving hepatic veins)

Right costodiaphragmatic recess of pleural cavity

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura and pericardium (cut)

Right phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic artery and vein

Diaphragmatic part of parietal pleura (cut away)

Right leaflet of central tendon

Thoracic duct

Body Wall | Diaphragm: Abdominal Surface

Costal part of diaphragm

Least thoracic splanchnic nerve

Lesser thoracic splanchnic nerve

Greater thoracic splanchnic nerve

Right crus of diaphragm

Caval opening

Right inferior phrenic artery

Anterior branch of right phrenic nerve

Sternal part of diaphragm

Sternocostal triangle

Anterior branch of left phrenic nerve

Costal part of diaphragm

Central tendon of diaphragm

Esophageal hiatus

Fibers from right crus passing to left of esophageal hiatus

Left inferior phrenic artery

Recurrent branch to esophagus

Anterior branch

Lateral branch

Left superior suprarenal artery

Left phrenic nerve

Left crus of diaphragm

Lumbocostal triangle

12th rib

Lateral arcuate ligament

Lumbar part of diaphragm

Medial arcuate ligament

Transverse process of L1 vertebra

Median arcuate ligament

Abdominal aorta

Aortic hiatus

Celiac trunk

Sympathetic trunk

Psoas major muscle

Quadratus lumborum muscle

Transversus abdominis muscle

Lungs | Topography of Lungs: Anterior View


Right dome of diaphragm


Pleural reflection

Inferior border of right lunk

Costodiaphragmatic recess of pleural cavity

Oblique fissure of right lung

Costomediastinal recess of pleural cavity

Right nipple

Horizontal fissure of right lung (often incomplete)

Right border of heart

1st rib and costal cartilage


Sternoclavicular joint

Cervical (cupula, or dome, of parietal pleura)

Thyroid gland

Thyroid cartilage

Cricoid cartilage


Jugular (suprasternal) notch

Apex of lung

Arch of aorta

Cardiac notch of left lung

Left border of heart

Left nipple

Oblique fissure of left lung

Costodiaphragmatic recess of pleural cavity


Inferior border of left lung

Left dome of diaphragm

Pleural reflection


Bare area of pericardium

Xiphoid process

Lungs | Topography of Lungs: Posterior View

Left suprarenal gland

Left dome of diaphragm

Left kidney

Inferior border of left lung

Pleural reflection


Costodiaphragmatic recess of pleural cavity

Left border of coral parietal pleura

Spine of scapula

Oblique fissure of left lung

1st rib

Apex of left lung

Spinous process of T1 vertebra

Cervical (cupula, or dome, of) parietal pleura

1st rib

Oblique fissure of right lung


Horizontal fissure of right lung (often incomplete)

Right border of costal parietal pleura

Costodiaphragmatic recess of pleural cavity


Pleural reflection

Inferior border of right lung

Right kidney

Right dome of diaphragm

Right suprarenal gland

Lungs | Lungs in Situ: Anterior View

Pleural reflections

Xiphoid process

7th costal cartilage


Diaphragmatic part of parietal pleura

Costodiaphragmatic recess

Horizontal fissure of right lung

Oblique fissure

Superior lobe of right lung

Middle lobe of right lung

Inferior lobe of right lung

Intercostal muscles

Pectoralis minor muscle

Pectoralis major muscle


Costal part of parietal pleura (cut away)

External jugular vein

Sternocleidomastoid muscle

Manubrium of sternum

Omohyoid, sternothyroid and sternohyoid muscles

Thyroid gland

Trachea and inferior thyroid veins

Common carotid artery

Internal jugular vein

Phrenic nerve

Anterior scalene muscle

Thoracic duct

Brachial plexus

Subclavian artery and vein

Internal thoracic artery and vein

Axillary artery and vein

Cardiac notch of left lung

Superior lobe of left lung

Inferior lobe of right left lung

Oblique fissure

Musculophrenic artery

Lingula of superior lobe of left lung

Internal thoracic artery

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura

Fibrous pericardium

Lungs | Lungs: Medial Views

Right lung

Groove for subclavian artery

Groove for brachiocephalic vein

Groove for 1st rib

Groove for superior vena cava

Superior lobe

Area for thymus and fatty tissue of anterior mediastinum

Anterior border


Horizontal fissure

Cardiac impression

Oblique fissure

Middle lobe

Groove for inferior vena cava

Diaphragmatic surface


Area for trachea

Area for esophagus

Groove for azygos vein

Oblique fissure

Pleura (cut edge)

Right superior lobar (eparterial) bronchus

Right pulmonary arteries

Right bronchial artery

Right intermediate bronchus

Right superior pulmonary veins

Bronchopulmonary (hilar) lymph nodes

Right inferior pulmonary veins

Inferior lobe

Groove for esophagus

Pulmonary ligament

Inferior border

Left lung

Area for trachea and esophagus

Oblique fissure

Groove for arch of aorta

Pleura (cut edge)

Left pulmonary artery

Left bronchial arteries

Left main bronchus

Left superior pulmonary veins

Bronchopulmonary veins

Bronchopulmonary (hilar) lymph nodes

Inferior lobe

Left inferior pulmonary vein

Groove for descending aorta

Inferior border


Groove for subclavian artery

Groove for left brachiocephalic vein

Groove for 1st rib

Anterior border

Area for thymus and fatty tissue of anterior mediastinum

Superior lobe


Cardiac impression

Pulmonary ligament

Cardiac notch

Oblique fissure

Groove for esophagus

Diaphragmatic surface


Lungs | Bronchopulmonary Segments

Anterior view

Right lung

Superior lobe

Apical (S1)

Anterior (S3)

Posterior (S2)

Middle lobe

Lateral (S4)

Medial (S5)

Inferior lobe

Anterior basal (S8)

Medial basal (S7)

Lateral basal (S9)

Posterior basal (S10)

Left lung

Superior lobe

Apico-posterior (S1+2) of Superior division (culmen)

Anterior (S3) of Superior division (culmen)

Superior lingular (S4) of Superior division (culmen)

Inferior lingular (S5) of Superior division (culmen)

Inferior lobe

Anteromedial basal (S7+8)

Posterior basal (S10)

Lateral basal (S9)

Posterior view

Left lung

Superior lobe

Apico-posterior (S1+2) of Superior division (culmen)
Anterior (S3) of Superior division (culmen)

Superior lingular (S4) of Lingular division

Inferior lobe

Superior (S6)

Lateral basal (S9)

Posterior basal (S10)

Right lung

Superior lobe

Apical (S1)

Posterior (S2)

Anterior (S3)

Middle lobe

Lateral (S4)

Inferior lobe

Superior (S6)

Lateral basal (S9)

Posterior basal (S10)











Lungs | Bronchopulmonary Segments (continued)

Lateral views

Right lung

Superior lobe

Apical (S1)

Posterior (S2)

Anterior (S3)

Middle lobe 

Lateral (S4)

Medial (S5)

Inferior lobe

Superior (S6)

Anterior basal (S8)

Lateral basal (S9)

Left lung

Superior lobe

Apico-posterior (S1+2) of Superior division (culmen)

Anterior (S3) of Superior division (culmen)

Superior lingular (S4) of Lingular division

Inferior lingular (S5) of Lingular division

Inferior lobe

Superior (S6)

Antero-medial basal (S7+8)

Lateral basal (S9)

Medial views

Right lung

Superior lobe

Apical (S1)

Posterior (S2)

Anterior (S3)

Middle lobe

Medial (S5)

Inferior lobe

Superior (S6)

Medial basal (S7)

Anterior basal (S8)

Lateral basal (S9)

Posterior basal (S10)

Left lung

Superior lobe

Apico-posterior (S1+2) of Superior division (culmen)

Anterior (S3) of Superior division (culmen)

Superior lingular (S4) of Lingular division

Inferior lingular (S5) of Lingular division

Inferior lobe

Superior (S6)

Anteromedial basal (S7+8)

Lateral basal (S9)

Posterior basal (S10)

Lungs | Trachea and Major Bronchi

Thyroid cartilage

Median cricothyroid ligament

Cricoid cartilage

Connective tissue sheath (visceral layer of pretracheal fascia) (cut away)

Annular (intercartilaginous) ligaments

Tracheal cartilages

Mucosa of posterior tracheal wall shows longitudinal folds formed by dense collections of elastic fibers

Superior lobar (eparterial bronchus)

B1 to superior lobe

B2 to superior lobe

B3 to superior lobe

Middle lobar bronchus

B4 to middle

B5 to middle

B6 to inferior lobe

B7 to inferior lobe

B8 to inferior lobe

B9 to inferior lobe

B10 to inferior lobe



Right and left main bronchi

Intermediate bronchus

Inferior lobar bronchus

Inferior lobar bronchus

Superior lobar bronchus

B1+2 to superior lobe

B3 to superior lobe

Superior division bronchus to superior lobe

Lingular bronchus to superior lobe

B4 to lingula

B5 to lingula

B6 to inferior lobe

B7+8 to inferior lobe

B9 to inferior lobe

B10 to inferior lobe

Cross section through trachea

Posterior wall

Nerve Small arteries

Gland Elastic fibers

Lymph vessels


Esophageal muscle

Trachealis (smooth) muscle

Anterior wall

Connective tissue sheath (visceral layer of pretracheal fascia)

Tracheal cartilage (ring)

Elastic fibers


Small artery

Lymph vessels



Lungs | Nomenclature of Bronchi: Schema


Right main bronchi

Left main bronchi

Superior lobar (eparterial bronchus)

Intermediate bronchus

Middle lobar bronchus

Inferior lobar bronchus

Superior lobar bronchus

Superior division bronchus

Inferior lobar bronchus

Lingular bronchus

B1 (apical)










B2 (posterior)









B3 (anterior)











B4 (lateral)







B5 (medial)



B6 (superior, lower lobe)










B7 (medial basal)





B8 (anterior basal)







B9 (lateral basal)










B10 (posterior basal)







B1+2 (apicoposterior)
















B3 (anterior)








B4 (superior lingular)







B5 (inferior lingular)



B6 (superior, lower lobe)




B7+8 (anteromedial basal)







B9 (lateral basal)









B10 (posterior basal)










Nomenclature in common usage for bronchopulmonary segments (Plates 200 and 201) is that of Jackson and Huber, and segmental bronchi are named accordingly. Ikeda proposed nomenclature (as demonstrated here) for bronchial subdivisions as far as 6th generation. For simplification on this illustration, only some bronchial subdivisions are labeled as far as 5th or 6th generation. Segmental bronchi (B) are numbered from 1 to 10 in each lung, corresponding to pulmonary segments. In left lung, B1 and B2 are combined as B7 and B8. Subsegmental, or 4th order, bronchi are indicated by addition of lowercase letters a, b, or c when an additional branch is present. Fifth order bronchi are designated by Roman numerals i (anterior) or ii (posterior) and 6th order bronchi by Greek letters ⍺ and ๊žต. Several texts use alternate numbers (as proposed by Boyden) for segmental bronchi.

Variations of standard bronchial pattern shown here are common, especially in peripheral airways.

Lungs | Intrapulmonary Airways: Schema

Subdivisions of intrapulmonary airways

Segmental bronchus

Cartilages of Bronchi

Large intrasegmental bronchi (about 5 generations)

Cartilages of Bronchi become sparser (mostly at points of branching)

Small intrasegmental bronchi (about 15 generations)

No further cartilages


Terminal bronchiole of Lobule

Respiratory bronchioles (3-8 orders) of Lobule

Alveolar sacs and alveoli of Lobule

Acinus (part of lung supplied by terminal bronchiole)

Smooth muscle of Terminal bronchiole

Elastic fibers of Terminal bronchiole

Alveolus of Terminal bronchiole

1st order of Respiratory bronchioles (alveoli appear at this level)

2nd order of Respiratory bronchioles (alveoli appear at this level)

3rd order of Respiratory bronchioles (alveoli appear at this level)

Alveolar ducts

Alveolar sac


Opening of alveolar duct

Pores of Kohn

Structure of intrapulmonary airways

Lungs | Intrapulmonary Blood Circulation: Schema

Pulmonary artery (from right heart)

Terminal bronchiole

Bronchial artery (from left heart via thoracic aorta)

Pulmonary vein (to left heart)

Respiratory bronchioles

Pulmonary vein (to left heart)

Capillary plexuses within alveolar wall


Visceral pleura and subpleura capillaries

Capillary bed within alveolar wall (cut away in places)

Pulmonary arteries and their branches distribute segmentally with the bronchi

Pulmonary veins and their tributaries drain intersegmentally

Lungs | Great Vessels of Superior Mediastinum

Cricoid cartilage

Thyroid gland

Right common carotid artery

Right vagus nerve (X)

Anterior scalene muscle

Phrenic nerve

Right internal jugular vein

External jugular vein

Brachial plexus

Right subclavian artery and vein

Brachiocephalic trunk

Right brachiocephalic trunk

Phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic artery and vein (cut)

Superior vena cava

Right superior lobar (eparterial) bronchus

Right pulmonary artery

Pulmonary trunk

Right pulmonary veins

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Costal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Right costodiaphragmatic recess of pleural cavity

Right intermediate bronchus

Phrenic nerve (cut)

Azygos vein

Thoracic duct

Inferior vena cava

Esophagus and esophageal plexus


Pericardium (cut edge)

Left main bronchus

Diaphragmatic part of parietal pleura and cut edge

Phrenic nerve (cut)

Costal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Left pulmonary veins

Left pulmonary artery

Ligamentum arteriosum

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Vagus nerve (X)

Arch of aorta

Internal thoracic artery

Left brachiocephalic vein

Left subclavian artery and vein

Brachial plexus

Thoracic duct

Phrenic nerve (cut)

Anterior scalene muscle

Left vagus nerve (X)

Left common carotid artery


Thyroid cartilage

Lungs | Bronchial Arteries and Veins


Trachea (pulled to left by hook)

3rd right posterior intercostal artery

Superior left bronchial artery

Right bronchial artery

Right main bronchus

Aorta (pulled aside by hook)

Left main bronchus (pulled to the right by hook)

Inferior left bronchial artery

Esophageal artery

Esophageal branch of bronchial artery

Variations in bronchial arteries

Right and left bronchial arteries originating from aorta by single stem

Only single bronchial artery to each bronchus (normally, two to left bronchus)

Bronchial veins

Azygos vein

Right bronchial vein

Right main bronchus (pulled to left and rotated by hook)

Left main bronchus (turned up by hook)

Left bronchial vein

Accessory hemiazygos vein

Left bronchial vein

Left main bronchus (turned up by hook)

Lungs | Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Lung

Right paratracheal nodes

Right superior tracheobronchial nodes

Bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk

Brachiocephalic vein

Inferior deep cervical (scalene) node

Internal jugular vein and jugular lymphatic trunk

Right lymphatic duct

Subclavian vein and subclavian lymphatic trunk

Bronchopulmonary (hilar) nodes

Pulmonary (intra-pulmonary) nodes

Subpleural lymphatic plexus

Interlobular lymph vessels

Drainage follows bronchi, arteries and veins

Inferior tracheobronchial (carinal) nodes

Pulmonary ligaments

Routes to mediastinum

Left paratracheal nodes

Bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk

Brachiocephalic vein

Inferior deep cervical (scalene) node

Virchow’s node

Thoracic duct

Left superior tracheobronchial nodes

(Aortic arch) node of ligamentum arteriosum

Bronchopulmonary (hilar) nodes

Pulmonary (intrapulmonary) nodes

Subpleural lymphatic plexus

Interlobular lymph vessels

Drainage follows bronchi, arteries and veins

Right lung: All lobes drain to pulmonary and bronchopulmonary (hilar) nodes, then to inferior tracheobronchial (carinal) nodes, right superior tracheobronchial nodes, and right paratracheal nodes on way to brachiocephalic vein via bronchomediastinal lymphatic trunk and/or inferior deep cervical (scalene) node.

Left lung: Superior lobe drains to pulmonary and bronchopulmonary (hilar) nodes, inferior tracheobronchial (carinal) nodes, left superior tracheobronchial nodes, left paratracheal nodes and/or (aortic arch) node of ligamentum arteriosum, then to brachiocephalic vein via left bronchomediastinal trunk and thoracic duct. Left inferior lobe drains also to pulmonary and bronchopulmonary (hilar) nodes and to inferior tracheobronchial (carinal) nodes, but then mostly to right superior tracheobronchial nodes, where it follows same route as lymph from right lung.

Lungs | Autonomic Nerves in Thorax

Cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion

Ansa subclavia

Cervical cardiac nerves (sympathetic and vagal)

Thoracic (sympathetic) cardiac branches

Sympathetic trunk

Vagus nerve (X) (cut) and branches to cardiac and pulmonary plexuses

Thoracic (sympathetic) cardiac branches

Anterior pulmonary plexus

Posterior pulmonary plexus (protruding from behind right bronchus)

6th intercostal nerve

Gray and white rami communicantes

6th thoracic sympathetic ganglion

Greater thoracic splanchnic nerve

Sympathetic branch to esophageal plexus

Thoracic duct

Lesser thoracic splanchnic nerve

Least thoracic splanchnic nerve

Azygos vein (cut)

Inferior vena cava (cut)

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Cervical cardiac nerves (sympathetic and vagal)

Vagus nerve (X) (cut)

Thoracic (sympathetic) cardiac branches

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve

Cardiac plexus

Anterior pulmonary plexus

Posterior pulmonary plexus (protruding from behind left bronchus)

Sympathetic trunk

Thoracic aortic plexus

Esophageal plexus

8th intercostal nerve

Gray and white rami communicantes

Greater thoracic splanchnic nerve

Lesser thoracic splanchnic nerve

Anterior vagal trunk

Diaphragm (pulled down)

Lungs | Innervation of Tracheobronchial Tree: Schema

Parasympathetic fibers

Sympathetic fibers

Afferent fibers

From hypothalamic and higher centers

Descending tracts in spinal cords

Thoracic spinal cord






Sympathetic trunk

Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)

Vagus nerve (X) (cholinergic; efferent to smooth muscle and glands; afferent from aorta, tracheobronchial mucosa and alveoli)

Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion

Sympathetic nerves (adrenergic)

Carotid sinus

Carotid body

Common carotid artery

Arch of aorta

Superior laryngeal nerve

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve


Cough receptors

Pulmonary plexus

Irritant receptors

Stretch receptors (Hering-Breuer reflex)

Heart | Heart in Situ

Inferior thyroid veins


Brachiocephalic trunk

Right brachiocephalic vein

Phrenic nerve

Anterior scalene muscle

Brachial plexus

External jugular vein

Subclavian artery and vein

Superior vena cava

1st rib

Phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic artery and vein

Right lung

Costal parts of parietal pleura

Diaphragmatic parts of parietal pleura

Mediastinal parts of parietal pleura

Diaphragm Line of fusion of fibrous pericardium to diaphragm


Superior epigastric artery

Internal thoracic artery

Musculophrenic artery


Left common carotid artery

Left brachiocephalic vein

Internal jugular vein

Vagus nerve (X)

Arch of aorta

Thoracic duct

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Internal thoracic artery

Phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic artery and vein

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura

Left lung

Heart | Heart: Anterior Exposure

Pericardium (cut edge) at site of reflection from great vessels

Right vagus nerve

Right internal jugular vein

Right recurrent laryngeal nerve

Right brachiocephalic vein


Subclavian artery and vein

Internal thoracic artery and vein

Phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic artery and vein

Superior vena cava

Right pulmonary artery

Transverse pericardial sinus

Right superior pulmonary vein

Hilum of right lung

Mediastinal pleura (cut edge)

Pericardium (cut edge)

Right atrium

Right auricle (atrial appendage)

Coronary sulcus and right coronary artery

Right ventricle

Conus arteriosus

Anterior interventricular sulcus and anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery

Inferior border (acute margin of heart)

Left auricle (atrial appendage

Left ventricle

Apex of heart

Left border (obtuse margin) of heart

Pericardium (cut edge)

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Hilum of left lung

Left superior pulmonary vein

Transverse pericardial sinus

Left pulmonary artery

Pulmonary trunk

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Ligamentum arteriosum

Left vagus nerve (X)

Left internal jugular vein

Left common carotid artery

Arch of aorta

Left brachiocephalic vein

Brachiocephalic trunk

Heart | Radiograph of Chest

Apex of heart

Aortic arch


Coracoid process of scapula

Dome of diaphragm (right)

Inferior vena cava

Pulmonary artery (left)

Right atrium

Spine of scapula

Superior vena cava

Trachea (air)

Left ventricle

Precordial areas of auscultation

Aortic area

Pulmonic area

Tricuspid area

Mitral area


Pulmonic valve

Aortic valve

Mitral valve

Heart | Heart: Base and Diaphragmatic Surfaces

Base of heart: posterior view

Right pulmonary artery

Left pulmonary artery

Left auricle (atrial appendage)

Left superior pulmonary vein

Left atrium

Left inferior pulmonary vein

Pericardial reflection

Oblique vein of left atrium (of Marshall)

Coronary sinus

Left ventricle


Arch of aorta

Right auricle (atrial appendage)

Superior vena cava

Right superior pulmonary vein

Right atrium

Sulcus terminalis

Right inferior pulmonary vein

Coronary sulcus

Inferior vena cava

Right ventricle

Base and diaphragmatic surfaces: posteroinferior view

Left subclavian artery

Left common carotid artery

Left pulmonary artery

Left superior pulmonary vein

Left auricle (atrial appendage)

Left inferior pulmonary vein

Oblique vein of left atrium (of Marshall)

Left atrium

Pericardial reflection

Coronary sinus

Left ventricle

Brachiocephalic trunk

Superior vena cava

Arch of aorta

Right pulmonary artery

Right superior pulmonary vein

Right inferior pulmonary vein

Sulcus terminalis

Right atrium

Inferior vena cava

Coronary sulcus and right coronary artery

Posterior interventricular sulcus and posterior interventricular branch of right coronary artery (posterior descending artery)

Right ventricle

Heart | Pericardial Sac

Heart drawn out of opened pericardial sac: left lateral view

Superior vena cava

Pericardium (cut edge)

Ascending aorta

Left auricle (atrial appendage)

Left ventricle

Coronary sinus

Posterior interventricular sulcus

Right ventricle

Diaphragmatic part of pericardium

Sternocostal part of pericardium (cut edge)

Arch of aorta

Pulmonary trunk

Transverse pericardial sinus

Left pulmonary veins

Oblique vein of left atrium (Marshall’s)

Oblique pericardial sinus

Left atrium

Right pulmonary vein

Esophageal prominence

Right atrium

Inferior vena cava

Pericardial sac with heart removed: anterior view

Right phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic vessels

Superior vena cava

Transverse pericardial sinus

Superior vena cava

Right pulmonary veins

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Pericardium (cut edge)

Inferior vena cava

Line of fusion of fibrous pericardium to diaphragm

Arch of aorta

Ascending aorta

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Left phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic vessels

Pulmonary trunk (bifurcation)

Left lung

Left pulmonary veins

Pericardium (cut edge)

Oblique pericardial sinus

Esophageal prominence

Diaphragmatic part of pericardium

Heart | Coronary Arteries and Cardiac Veins

Sternocostal surface

Sinuatrial (SA) nodal branch

Atrial branch of right coronary artery

Right coronary artery

Anterior cardiac veins

Small cardiac vein

Right (acute) marginal branch of right coronary artery

Interventricular septal branches

Left auricle (cut)

Left coronary artery

Circumflex branch of left coronary artery

Great cardiac vein

Left (obtuse) marginal artery

Anterior interventricular branch (left anterior descending) of left coronary artery

Diagonal branch of anterior interventricular artery

Diaphragmatic surface

Oblique vein of left atrium (of Marshall)

Great cardiac vein

Circumflex branch of left coronary artery

Left marginal branch

Coronary sinus

Posterior left ventricular branch

Posterior vein of left ventricle

Middle cardiac vein


Septal branches

Sinuatrial (SA) nodal branch

Sinuatrial (SA) node

Small cardiac vein

Right coronary artery

Posterior interventricular branch (posterior descending) of right coronary artery

Right marginal branch

Heart | Coronary Arteries and Carddiac Veins: Variations

Anterior interventricular (left anterior descending) branch of left coronary artery is very short. Apical part of anterior (sternocostal) surface supplied by branches from posterior interventricular (posterior descending) branch of right coronary artery curving around apex.

Posterior interventricular (posterior descending) branch is derived from circumflex branch of left coronary artery instead of from right coronary artery.

Posterior interventricular (posterior descending) branch is absent. Area supplied chiefly by small branches from circumflex branch of left coronary artery and from right coronary artery.

Posterior interventricular (posterior descending) branch is absent. Area supplied chiefly by elongated anterior interventricular (left anterior descending) branch curving around apex.

Heart | Coronary Arteries: Arteriorgraphic Views

Right coronary artery: left anterior oblique view


Sinuatrial (SA) nodal branch

Right coronary artery

Atrioventricular (AV) nodal branch

Branches to back of left ventricle

Right (acute) marginal branch

Posterior interventricular branch (posterior descending artery)

Right coronary artery: right anterior oblique view

Sinuatrial (SA) nodal branch

Conus (arteriosus) branch

Right coronary artery

Right (acute) marginal branch


Atrioventricular (AV) nodal branch

Right posterolateral branches (to back of left ventricle)

Posterior interventricular branch (posterior descending artery)

Heart | Coronary Arteries: Arteriorgraphic Views (continued)

Left coronary artery: left anterior oblique view

Left coronary artery

Circumflex branch


Anterior interventricular branch (left anterior descending)

Diagonal branches of anterior interventricular branch

Atrioventricular branch of circumflex branch

Left (obtuse) marginal branch

Posterolateral branches

(Perforating) interventricular septal branches

Left coronary artery: right anterior oblique view

Left coronary artery

Anterior interventricular branch (left anterior descending)

Circumflex branch

(Perforating) interventricular septal branches

Left (obtuse) marginal branch

Posterolateral branches

Diagonal branch of…

…Anterior interventricular branch

Atrioventricular branch of circumflex branch

Heart | Right Atrium and Ventricle

Opened right atrium: right lateral view

Ascending aorta

Superior vena cava

Right pulmonary artery

Pericardial reflection

Right superior pulmonary vein

Left atrium

Right inferior pulmonary vein

Interatrial septum

Limbus of fossa ovalis

Fossa ovalis

Valve (Eustachian) of inferior vena cava

Inferior vena cava

Pulmonary trunk

Right auricle (atrial appendage)

Conus arteriosus

Crista terminalis

Atrioventricular part of membranous septum

Septal cusp of tricuspid valve

Pectinate muscles

Opening of coronary sinus

Valve (Thebesian of coronary sinus)

Opened right ventricle: anterior view

Pericardial reflection


Transverse pericardial sinus

Superior vena cava

Right auricle (atrial appendage)

Right atrium

Parietal limb

Membranous part of interventricular septum

Anterior cusp of Tricuspid valve

Septal cusp of Tricuspid valve

Posterior cusp of Tricuspid valve

Chordae tendineae

Posterior papillary muscle

Anterior papillary muscle

Trabeculae carneae

Pulmonary trunk

Transverse pericardial sinus

Anterior semilunar cusp of Pulmonary valve

Right semilunar cusp of Pulmonary valve

Left semilunar cusp of Pulmonary valve

Conus arteriosus

Supraventricular crest

Septal papillary muscle

Interventricular septum (muscular part)

Septomarginal trabecula (moderator band)

Heart | Left Atrium and Ventricle

Flap opened in posterolateral wall of left ventricle

Posterior papillary muscle

Chordae tendineae

Anterior papillary muscle

Posterior cusp of Mitral valve

Anterior cusp of Mitral valve

Oblique vein of left atrium (of Marshall)

Left auricle  (atrial appendage)

Fold of left superior vena cava (ligament of Marshall)

Transverse pericardial sinus

Pericardial reflection

Arch of aorta

Ligamentum arteriosum

Left pulmonary artery

Right pulmonary artery

Left pulmonary veins

Left atrium

Right pulmonary veins

Coronary sinus

Inferior vena cava

Section through left atrium and ventricle with mitral valve cut away

Mitral valve (cut away)

Muscular part of interventricular septum

Interventricular part of Membranous septum

Atrioventricular part of Membranous septum

Left semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Right semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Posterior semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Conus arteriosus

Left auricle (atrial appendage)

Arch of aorta

Left pulmonary artery

Right pulmonary artery

Left superior pulmonary vein

Valve of foramen ovale

Right pulmonary veins

Left atrium

Coronary sinus

Inferior vena cava

Heart | Valves of Fibrous Skeleton of Heart

Heart in diastole: viewed from base with atria removed

Left fibrous ring (of mitral valve)

Anterior cusp of Mitral valve

Commissural cusps of Mitral valve

Posterior cusp of Mitral valve

Circumflex branch*

Right (coronary) semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Left (coronary) semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Posterior (noncoronary) semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Anterior semilunar cusp of Pulmonary valve

Right semilunar cusp of Pulmonary valve

Left semilunar cusp of Pulmonary valve

Conus arteriosus

Left fibrous trigone

Right coronary artery

Atrioventricular part of membranous septum

Anterior cusp of Tricuspid valve

Septal cusp of Tricuspid valve

Posterior cusp of Tricuspid valve

Right fibrous ring (of tricuspid valve)

Right fibrous trigone

Atrioventricular (AV) nodal branch

Posterior interventricular branch

Heart in systole: viewed from base with atria removed

Posterior interventricular branch

Left fibrous ring (of mitral valve)

Posterior cusp of Mitral valve

Anterior cusp of Mitral valve

Circumflex branch*

Posterior (noncoronary) semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Left (coronary) semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Right (coronary) semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Left semilunar cusp of Pulmonary valve

Right semilunar cusp of Pulmonary valve

Anterior semilunar cusp of Pulmonary valve

Conus arteriosus

Left fibrous trigone

Right coronary artery

Interventricular part of Membranous septum

Atrioventricular part of Membranous septum

Anterior cusp of Tricuspid valve

Septal cusp of Tricuspid valve

Posterior cusp of Tricuspid valve

Right fibrous ring (of tricuspid valve)

Right fibrous trigone

Atrioventricular (AV) nodal branch

Heart | Valves and Fibrous Skeleton of Heart (continued)

Aortic valve

Muscular part of interventricular septum

Broken line indicating level of origin of tricuspid valve on opposite side of septum

Atrioventricular part of Membranous septum

Interventricular part of Membranous septum

Opening of right coronary artery

Aortic sinuses (of Valsalva)

Ascending aorta

Commissure of semilunar valve cusps

Opening of left coronary artery

Nodule of semilunar valve (body of Arantius)


Left semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Posterior semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Right semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Anterior papillary muscle

Anterior cusp of mitral valve

Tricuspid (right atrioventricular) valve

Posterior papillary muscle (sectioned)

Septal papillary muscle

Chordae tendineae

Opening of coronary sinus

Right atrium

Opening of inferior vena cava

Atrioventricular part of Membranous septum

Interventricular part (behind valve) of Membranous septum

Posterior cusp of Tricuspid valve

Anterior cusp of Tricuspid valve

Septal cusp of Tricuspid valve

Posterior papillary muscle (sectioned)

Anterior papillary muscle

Mitral (left atrioventricular valve)

Posterior papillary muscle

Anterior papillary muscle (sectioned)

Chordae tendineae

Left atrium

Anterior cusp of Mitral valve

Posterior cusp of Mitral valve

Commissural cusps of Mitral valve

Anterior papillary muscle (sectioned)

Fibrous (Albini’s) nodules

Heart | Atria, Ventricles, and Interventricular Septum

Atrioventricular part of Membranous septum

Interventricular part of Membranous septum

Superior vena cava

Posterior semilunar (non-coronary) cusp of Aortic valve

Left semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Ascending aorta

Aortic sinus (of Valsalva)

Right superior pulmonary vein

Anterior cusp of Mitral valve

Posterior cusp of Mitral valve

Left pulmonary veins

Left auricle (atrial appendage)

Left atrium

Anterior cusp of mitral valve

Pulmonary trunk

Openings of coronary arteries

Ascending aorta

Right auricle (atrial appendage)

Left semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Right semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Supraventricular crest

Outflow to pulmonary trunk

Conus arteriosus

Right anterior papillary muscle (cut)
Right ventricle

Septomarginal trabecula

(moderator band)

Septal (medial) papillary muscle

Left ventricle

Left anterior papillary muscle

Left posterior papillary muscle

Left ventricle

Muscular part of interventricular septum

Right posterior papillary muscle

Right anterior papillary muscle (cut)

Right ventricle

Posterior cusp of Tricuspid valve

Septal cusp of Tricuspid valve

Anterior cusp (retracted) of Tricuspid valve

Right atrium

Heart | Conducting System of Heart

Right side

Inferior vena cava

Right fibrous ring (of tricuspid valve)

Note: Specific internodal conduction pathways in the atria may exist based on strong physiological and some anatomical evidence

Crista terminalis

Sinuatrial (SA) node

Sinuatrial (SA) nodal artery

Superior vena cava

Ascending aorta

Atrioventricular part of Membranous septum

Interventricular part of Membranous septum

Pulmonary valve

Atrioventricular (AV) node

Atrioventricular (AV) bundle (of His)

Right bundle

Purkinje fibers

Septomarginal trabecula (moderator brand)

Anterior papillary muscle

Subendocardial branches (Purkinje fibers)

Left side

Posterior papillary muscle

Subendocardial branches (Purkinje fibers)

Anterior papillary muscle

Left bundle

Atrioventricular part of Membranous septum

Interventricular part of Membranous septum

Right semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Left semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Posterior semilunar cusp of Aortic valve

Arch of aorta

Pulmonary trunk

Superior vena cava

Left auricle

Right pulmonary veins

Mitral valve (cut away)

Muscular part of interventricular septum


Heart | Nerves of Heart

Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion

Right vagus nerve (X)

(Conjoined sympathetic and vagal) superior cervical cardiac nerves

Middle cervical sympathetic ganglion

Middle cervical (sympathetic) cardiac nerve

Phrenic nerve

Inferior cervical (vagal) cardiac branch

Vertebral ganglion

Inferior thyroid artery

Vertebral artery

Cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion

Ansa subclavia

Right recurrent laryngeal nerve

Inferior cervical (sympathetic) cardiac nerves

Thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve

4th thoracic sympathetic ganglion

Thoracic (sympathetic) cardiac branches

Cardiac plexus

Phrenic nerve (cut)

Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion

Left vagus nerve (X)

Superior cervical (sympathetic) cardiac nerve

Superior cervical (vagal) cardiac branch

Middle cervical sympathetic ganglion

Phrenic nerve

Middle cervical (sympathetic) cardiac nerve

Inferior cervical (vagal) cardiac branch

Vertebral ganglion

Cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion

Inferior cervical sympathetic cardiac nerves

3rd thoracic sympathetic ganglion

Thoracic (sympathetic) cardiac branches

Thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Heart | Innervation of Heart: Schema

Sympathetic preganglionic

Sympathetic postganglionic

Parasympathetic preganglionic

Parasympathetic postganglionic

Visceral afferent accompanying sympathetic fibers

Visceral afferent accompanying parasympathetic fibers

4th thoracic sympathetic ganglion

Thoracic (sympathetic) cardiac branches

Gray ramus communicans

White ramus communication

2nd thoracic sympathetic ganglion

Thoracic cardiac branch of vagus nerve

Inferior cervical (sympathetic) cardiac nerve

1st intercostal nerve

Cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion

Ansa subclavia

Vertebral ganglion (variation)

Middle cervical (sympathetic) cardiac nerve

Middle cervical sympathetic ganglion

Superior cervical (sympathetic) cardiac nerve

Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion

Posterior nucleus of vagus nerve

Medulla oblongata

Nucleus of solitary tract

Vagus nerves

Superior cervical (vagal) cardiac branches

Inferior cervical (vagal) cardiac branches

Ascending connections





Cardiac plexus

Heart | Innervation of Blood Vessels: Schema

Preganglionic sympathetic fibers

Postganglionic sympathetic fibers

Postganglionic sympathetic fibers to lumbar and sacral plexuses and to nerves of lower limb

Lower lumbar sympathetic trunk ganglia

Gray ramus communicans

Spinal nerves

Fibers direct to vessels

Upper lumbar sympathetic trunk ganglia

Abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves

Lower thoracic sympathetic trunk ganglia

Intercostal nerves

Upper thoracic sympathetic trunk ganglia

Cardiopulmonary splanchnic and aortic nerves

Brachial plexus

Cervical cardiac nerves

White ramus communicans

Gray rami communicantes

Cervical sympathetic trunk ganglia

Internal carotid nerve

Heart | Prenatal and Postnatal Circulation

Prenatal circulation

Pulmonary trunk

Superior vena cava

Right pulmonary artery

Right pulmonary vein

Foramen ovale

Hepatic vein

Ductus venosus


Hepatic portal vein

Umbilical vein

Umbilical arteries


Ductus arteriosus

Left pulmonary artery

Left pulmonary vein

Inferior vena cava


Celiac trunk

Superior mesenteric artery



Postnatal circulation

Ligamentum arteriosum (obliterated ductus arteriosus)

Fossa ovalis (obliterated foramen ovale)

Ligamentum venosum (obliterated ductus venosus)

Ligamentum teres (round ligament) of liver (obliterated umbilical vein)

Medial umbilical ligaments (occluded part of umbilical arteries)

Mediastinum | Mediastinum: Right Lateral View

*Nerves and vessels commonly run independently

Cervical (cupula, or dome, of) parietal pleura and suprapleural membrane (Sibson’s fascia)

1st rib


Right vagus nerve (X)


Sympathetic trunk

Right superior intercostal vein

4th thoracic vertebral body

Arch of azygos vein

Right main bronchus and bronchial artery

Azygos vein

Posterior intercostal vein and artery and intercostal nerve

Internal intercostal muscle

Internal intercostal membrane deep to external intercostal muscle

Gray and white rami communicantes

Costal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Greater thoracic splanchnic nerve

Esophagus and esophageal plexus

Bronchopulmonary (hilar) lymph nodes

Pulmonary ligament (cut)

Anterior scalene muscle and phrenic nerve

Brachial plexus

Right subclavian artery and vein


Subclavius muscle

1st rib

Right and left brachiocephalic veins

Right internal thoracic artery

Thymus (seen through mediastinal pleura)

Superior vena cava

Phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic artery and vein*

Right pulmonary artery

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Fibrous pericardium over right atrium

Right pulmonary veins

Inferior vena cava (covered by mediastinal part of parietal pleura)

Diaphragm (covered by diaphragmatic part of parietal pleura)

Costal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Costodiaphragmatic recess of pleural activity

Mediastinum | Mediastinum: Left Lateral View

*Nerve and vessels commonly run independently

Anterior scalene muscle and phrenic nerve

Brachial plexus

Left subclavian vein and artery

Subclavius muscle


Left brachiocephalic vein

Left internal thoracic artery

Thymus (seen through mediastinal pleura)

Ligamentum arteriosum

Left pulmonary artery

Left phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic artery and vein*

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Fibrous pericardium

Left pulmonary veins

Pulmonary ligament (cut)

Fat pad

Esophagus and esophageal plexus (covered by mediastinal part of parietal pleura)

Diaphragm (covered by diaphragmatic part of parietal pleura)

Costodiaphragmatic recess of pleural cavity

Costal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Cervical (cupula, or dome, of) parietal pleura and suprapleural membrane (Sibson’s fascia)

1st rib


Thoracic duct

Left vagus nerve (X)

Left superior intercostal vein

Arch of aorta

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Bronchopulmonary (hilar) lymph nodes

Accessory hemiazygos vein

Posterior intercostal vein and artery and intercostal nerve

Internal intercostal muscle

Internal intercostal membrane deep to external intercostal muscle

Gray and white rami communicantes

Costal pleura (cut edge)

Sympathetic trunk

Greater thoracic splanchnic nerve

Thoracic (descending) aorta

Left main bronchus and bronchial artery

Mediastinum | Esophagus in Situ

Common carotid artery

Anterior scalene muscle

Phrenic nerve

Posterior scalene muscle

Brachial plexus

Subclavian artery

Thyrocervical trunk

Vagus nerve (X)

1st rib (cut)

Brachiocephalic trunk


Arch of aorta

Arch of azygos vein

Right main bronchus

Superior lobar (eparterial) bronchus

Thoracic part of esophagus

Esophageal plexus

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Inferior vena cava (cut)

Hepatic veins (cut)

Right and left crura of diaphragm

Inferior phrenic arteries

Celiac trunk

Abdominal aorta

Longus colli muscle

Cervical part of esophagus

Recurrent laryngeal nerves

Thoracic duct

Internal jugular vein (cut)

Subclavian vein (cut)

Left brachiocephalic vein (cut)

Internal thoracic artery (cut)

Phrenic nerve (cut)

Common carotid artery

Subclavian artery

Vagus nerve (X)

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Bifurcation of trachea

Costal pleura (cut edge)

Left main bronchus

Thoracic (descending) aorta

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura (cut edge)

Pericardium (cut edge)


Diaphragmatic part of parietal pleura

Anterior vagal trunk


Abdominal part of esophagus

Mediastinum | Topography and Constrictions of Esophagus

Incisor teeth



Piriform fossa (recess)

Thyroid cartilage

Cricoid cartilage

Pharyngo esophageal constriction

Cricopharyngeus (muscle) part of inferior pharyngeal constrictor

Thoracic (aortobronchial) constriction


Arch of aorta

Left main bronchus

Diaphragmatic constriction (inferior esophageal “sphincter”)

Abdominal part of esophagus

Cardiac part of stomach


Fundus of stomach

Lateral view

Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle

Thyroid cartilage

Cricoid cartilage

Cricopharyngeus (muscle) part of inferior pharyngeal constrictor



Arch of aorta


Heart in pericardium












Mediastinum | Musculature of Esophagus

Thyroid cartilage

Cricoid cartilage


Left main bronchus

Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle

Pharyngeal raphe

Zone of sparse muscle fibers

Cricopharyngeus (muscle) part of inferior pharyngeal constrictor

Main longitudinal muscle bundle passing upward and ventrally to attach to middle of posterior surface of cricoid cartilage

Accessory muscle bundle from posterolateral surface of cricoid cartilage

Additional fibers from contralateral side of cricopharyngeus (muscle) part of inferior pharyngeal constrictor

Circular muscle layer with sparse longitudinal fibers in V-shaped area (of Laimer)

Bare area on ventral surface of esophagus

Lateral mass of longitudinal muscle

Fibroelastic membranes with sparse muscle fibers

Window cut in longitudinal muscle layer

Circular muscle layer

Mediastinum | Pharyngoesophageal Junction

Posterior view with pharynx opened and mucosa removed

Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle

Root of tongue


Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle

Palatopharyngeus muscle of Longitudinal pharyngeal muscles

Stylopharngeus muscle of Longitudinal pharyngeal muscles

Pharyngoepiglottic fold

Laryngeal inlet (aditus)

Thyroid cartilage (superior horn)

Thyrohyoid membrane

Internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve and superior laryngeal artery and vein

Oblique arytenoid muscle

Transverse arytenoid muscle

Thyroid cartilage

Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle

Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle

Pharyngeal aponeurosis (cut away)

Zone of sparse muscle fibers

Cricopharyngeus (muscle) part of inferior pharyngeal constrictor

Cricoid cartilage (lamina)

Cricoesophageal tendon (attachment of longitudinal esophageal muscle)

Circular esophageal muscle

Esophageal mucosa and submucosa

Circular muscle in V-shaped area (of Laimer)

Right recurrent laryngeal nerve

Longitudinal esophageal muscle

Window cut in longitudinal muscle exposes circular muscle layer

Mediastinum | Esophagogastric Junction

Esophageal mucosa



Subhiatal fat ring

Zigzag (Z) line: juncture of esophageal and gastric mucosa

Cardiac part (cardia) of stomach

Gastric folds (rugae)

Longitudinal esophageal muscle

Circular esophageal muscle

Gradual esophageal muscle

Gradual slight muscular thickening

Phrenoesophageal ligament (ascending or upper limb)

Supradiaphragmatic fascia


Infradiaphragmatic (transversalis) fascia

Phrenoesophageal ligament (descending limb)


Cardiac notch

Sliding hernia


Squamocolumnar junction

Peritoneal sac

Fundus of stomach

Cardiac notch

Longitudinal esophageal muscle (cut)

Circular esophageal muscle (shown here as spiral)

Collar of Helvetius

Window cut in middle circular muscle layer of stomach

Innermost oblique muscle layer of stomach (forms sling)

Outer longitudinal muscle layer of stomach (cut)

Mediastinum | Arteries of Esophagus

Esophageal branch of Inferior thyroid artery

Common carotid artery

Subclavian artery

Esophageal branch

Esophageal branch of Inferior thyroid artery

Cervical part of esophagus

Thyrocervical trunk

Subclavian artery

Vertebral artery

Internal thoracic artery

Common carotid artery

Brachiocephalic trunk


Arch of aorta

3rd right posterior intercostal artery

Right bronchial artery

Superior left bronchial artery

Esophageal branch of right bronchial artery

Inferior left bronchial artery and esophageal branch

Thoracic (descending) aorta

Thoracic part of esophagus

Abdominal part of esophagus



Esophageal branch of left gastric artery

Left gastric artery

Celiac trunk

Splenic artery (cut)

Common hepatic artery (cut)

Inferior phrenic arteries

Common variations: Esophageal branches may originate from left inferior phrenic artery and/or directly from celiac trunk. Branches to abdominal esophagus may also come from splenic or short gastric arteries.

Mediastinum | Veins of Esophagus

Inferior thyroid vein

Internal jugular vein

External jugular vein

Subclavian vein

Vertebral vein

Right brachiocephalic vein

Superior vena cava

Right superior intercostal vein


6th right posterior intercostal vein

Azygos vein

Junction of accessory hemiazygos and azygos veins

Inferior vena cava (cut)



Hepatic veins

Inferior vena cava

Hepatic portal vein

Right renal vein

Left gastric vein

Right gastric vein

Esophageal branches of left gastric vein

Right gastro-omental (gastroepiploic) vein

Superior mesenteric vein

Inferior mesenteric vein

Left gastro-omental (gastroepiploic) vein

Left renal vein

Omental (epiploic) veins

Left suprarenal vein

Splenic vein

Short gastric veins

Left inferior phrenic vein

Hemiazygos vein

Accessory hemiazygos vein

Esophageal veins (plexus)

Left superior intercostal vein

Left brachiocephalic vein

Thoracic duct


Internal jugular vein

Inferior thyroid vein

Submucous venous plexus

Mediastinum | Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Esophagus

Celiac nodes

Juxtaesophageal and superior phrenic nodes

Superior and inferior tracheobronchial nodes

Paratracheal nodes

Inferior deep cervical (internal jugular) nodes

Virchow’s node

Thoracic duct

Posterior mediastinal nodes of Posterior parietal nodes

Intercostal nodes of Posterior parietal nodes

Superior phrenic nodes

Left gastric nodes (cardiac nodes of stomach)

Mediastinum | Nerves of Esophagus

Anterior view


Recurrent laryngeal nerves

Right recurrent laryngeal nerve

Ansa subclavia

3rd intercostal nerve

Gray and white rami communicantes

3rd thoracic sympathetic ganglion

Thoracic sympathetic trunk

Right greater thoracic splanchnic nerve

Sympathetic fibers along left inferior phrenic artery

Branch of posterior vagal trunk to celiac plexus

Greater thoracic splanchnic nerves

Sympathetic fibers along esophageal branch of left gastric artery

Celiac plexus and ganglia

Superior ganglion of vagus nerve

Superior cervical of sympathetic ganglion

Inferior ganglion of vagus nerve

Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve

Vagus nerve (X)

Superior laryngeal nerve

Cervical sympathetic trunk

Middle cervical sympathetic ganglion

Cervical (sympathetic and vagal) cardiac nerves

Vertebral ganglion of cervical sympathetic trunk

Ansa subclavia

Branch to esophagus and recurrent nerve from stellate ganglion

Cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Thoracic (vagal and sympathetic) cardiac branches

Cardiac plexus

Pulmonary plexuses

Esophageal plexus (anterior portion)

Branches to esophageal plexus from sympathetic trunk, greater, thoracic splanchnic nerve, and thoracic

aortic plexus

Left greater thoracic splanchnic nerve

Anterior vagal trunk

Vagal branch to hepatic plexus via lesser omentum

Principal anterior vagal branch to lesser curvature of stomach

Vagal branch to fundus and body of stomach

Posterior view

Esophageal plexus (posterior portion)

Posterior vagal trunk

Vagal branch to celiac plexus

Posterior vagal branch to lesser curvature

Vagal branch to fundus and cardiac part of stomach

Mediastinum | Mediastinum: Cross Section


Right ventricle

Septal cusp of Tricuspid valve

Posterior cusp of Tricuspid valve

Anterior cusp of Tricuspid valve

Interventricular part of membranous septum

Atrioventricular part of membranous septum

Superior vena cava

Right atrium

Pericardial cavity

Mediastinal part of parietal pleura

Right lung (middle lobe)

Phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic artery and vein

Branches of right main bronchus

Right inferior pulmonary vein

Oblique pericardial sinus

Esophagus and esophageal plexus

Azygos vein

Thoracic duct

T8 vertebra

Left greater thoracic splanchnic nerve

Left sympathetic trunk

Hemiazygos vein

8th rib

Thoracic (descending) aorta

Left inferior pulmonary vein

Branches of left main bronchus

Left lung (superior lobe)

Coronary sinus

Left atrium

Anterior cusp of Mitral valve

Posterior cusp of Mitral valve

Phrenic nerve and pericardiacophrenic artery and vein

Papillary muscle

Left ventricle

Muscular part of interventricular septum

Pleural cavity

Pectoralis major muscle

Transversus thoracis muscle 

Internal thoracic artery and vein

5th left costal cartilage

Regional Scans | Chest Scans: Axial CT Images

Series of chest axial CT images from superior (A) to inferior (C)

Ascending aorta

Descending aorta

Azygos vein

Body of vertebra

Inferior vena cava


Left (main stem) bronchus

Left superior lobe of lung

Left ventricle

Pulmonary artery


Right (main stem) bronchus

Right superior lobe of lung

Right ventricle


Spinal cord

Spinous process of vertebra

Superior vena cava

Trachea (bifurcation)

Cross-Sectional Anatomy | Cross Section of Thorax at T3 Level

Transverse Section: Lower Level of T3, Sternoclavicular Joint


Brachiocephalic trunk


Left brachiocephalic vein

Left common carotid artery

Left vagus nerve (X)

Pectoralis minor muscle

Left subclavian artery

Shaft or left humerus

Long head of triceps brachii muscle

Teres minor muscle


Left lung

Infraspinatus muscle

Serratus anterior muscle

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Thoracic duct

Erector spinae muscle

Rhomboid major muscle

Transversospinalis muscle

Spinal cord

Body of T3 vertebra

Trapezius muscle

Costotransverse joint

Rhomboid major muscle


Right vagus nerve (X)

Phrenic nerve

Subscapularis muscle

Intercostal muscles

Teres minor muscle

Deltoid muscle

Surgical neck of right humerus

Tendon of long head of biceps brachii muscle

Axillary fossa

Right lung

Pectoralis major muscle

Costal cartilage of 1st rib

Right brachiocephalic vein


Sternoclavicular joint (articular disc)

Mediastinal lymph node

Cross-Sectional Anatomy | Cross Section of Thorax at T3-4 Level

Transverse Section: T3-4 Intervertebral Disc, Manubrium




Arch of aorta

Internal thoracic artery and vein

Left lung


Pectoralis major muscle

Pectoralis minor muscle

Axillary fossa

Combined short head of biceps brachii and coracobrachialis muscles

Tendon of long head of biceps brachii muscle

Shaft of humerus 

Lateral head of triceps brachii muscle

Long head of triceps brachii muscle

Left latissimus dorsi tendon (inserting onto humerus)

Teres major muscle

Subscapularis muscle

Teres minor muscle


Infraspinatus muscle

Oblique fissure (of left lung)

Left vagus nerve (X)

Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

Spinal cord

Trapezius muscle

Rhomboid muscle

T3-4 intervertebral disc

Thoracic duct



Teres minor muscle

Teres major muscle

Long head of triceps brachii muscle

Deltoid muscle

Shaft of humerus

Latissimus dorsi

Tendon of long head of biceps brachii muscle

Serratus anterior muscle

Intercostal muscles

Right lung

Arch of azygos vein

Right phrenic nerve

Superior vena cava

Superior tracheobronchial lymph node

Cross-Sectional Anatomy | Cross Section of Thorax at T4-5 Level

Transverse Section: T4-5 Intervertebral Disc, Sternal Angle

Manubriosternal junction

Internal thoracic artery and vein

2nd costal cartilage

Pulmonary trunk

Left pulmonary artery

Left lung

Pectoralis minor muscle


Long head of biceps brachii muscle

Shaft of humerus

Latissimus dorsi tendon

Teres major muscle

Serratus anterior muscle

Subscapularis muscle

Left main bronchus

Descending aorta

Accessory hemiazygos vein

Trapezius muscle

Thoracic duct

T4-5 intervertebral disc


Azygos vein

Right main bronchus

Rhomboid major muscle

Infraspinatus muscle


Teres major muscle

Long head of triceps brachii muscle

Latissimus dorsi tendon

Lateral head of triceps brachii muscle

Deltoid muscle


Tendon of long head of biceps brachii muscle

Axillary fossa

Right lung

Pectoralis major muscle

Superior vena cava

Right pulmonary artery

Ascending aorta

Inferior tracheobronchial lymph nodes

Cross-Sectional Anatomy | Cross Section of Thorax at T7 Level

Transverse Section: Level of T7, 3rd Interchondral Space

Sternum (body)

Right ventricle

Anterior interventricular sulcus

Pectoralis major muscle

Apex of heart

Interventricular septum

Papillary muscle

Left ventricle

Leaflet of mitral valve

Coronary sulcus

Coronary sinus

Oblique pericardial sinus

Descending aorta

Thoracic duct

Latissimus dorsi muscle

Triangle of auscultation

Head of 7th rib

Body of T7 vertebra

Trapezius muscle

Zygapophyseal (facet) joint

Neck of 7th rib

Triangle of auscultation

Inferior angle of scapula

Latissimus dorsi muscle

Serratus anterior muscle

Azygos vein


Right inferior pulmonary vein

Superior vena cava

Interatrial septum

Right atrium

Left atrium

Internal thoracic artery and vein

Coronary sulcus

Orifice of tricuspid valve

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