The Wolves and the Pigs

🐺 The Wolves and the Pigs 🐷

The time-honored generational story of how humanity eats clean as one community, one race, and one people.

The world, as it is known, comes from when women were tasked with killing, but the boys who were present as innocents during this time period often had to go without because girls would sometimes intentionally or unknowingly take advantage of the rites the mothers (who were, in essence, "matriarchs") had to food. Markedly novel situations would be found when the mothers would be undergoing periods of fasting (or even starvation) because they could not eat clean to their lawful (or unlawful) killings - no matter what the circumstances, and the boys (who would need food) would have to go without because of the difficulty, profanity, and murder present in community relations. The case of the Smith family is an example of the above.

Though the parents were lawful adults in the United States of America, they had to pay for basic resources given that their family grew up during a period where resources may have been kept on a murderous regimen. From the perspective of the middle Smith child (a boy named as Israel Hiddai Smith), contingent upon how the whole of the family and it's humanity not only ate whole but ate clean, too, the mother would not (and maybe could not) perpetually accept free resources wherein they all worked for reasons that never seemed to be fully understood.

The immediate rationale of the situation brings one to the point of conclusion that a girl of the community used her own rites, or attempted to use her mother's rites, to attain food but did not know how to do so correctly wherein a fault resulted that left no one at blame. Regardless of what the circumstances were, the family went without because of an innocent human beings actions (...that could've been from another period, even, in the community).

This left the Smith family in a delicate position because the mother (Yashica Cheree Smith) was not able to resolve the circumstance with typical communal relations and resolve, and Israel Hiddai Smith, the middle son, had to compose provisional doctoral literature articulating of a full surgical narrative of life and death to the innocent human population present. To a murderous degree of serialism, the later determined perversion and pedophilia that was accruing from the point of starvation that resultantly occurred inevitably manifested as a powerful dynamic during this period in the family's life. It came to be known as internet pornography.

The father (Anthony Ray Smith) is not present in the historical conversation any further than attesting to the girl of the family (Deborah Elaine Smith) being cared for and tended to within serial relations - as that is all that can be proofed, and the mother's (Yashica Cheree Smith's) own instrumentations of ensuring her son's access to food are contingent upon his person finishing the doctorate which, again, is to fully articulate life and death to the innocent populations present.

The oldest son (Isaiah Ray Smith) and the youngest son (Abraham Josiah Smith) are involved no further than their own wars with maintaining during the period where the family must go without, but the toll that it is having on their respective humanities is accruing to be something of a potentially harmful and damaging long term sentiment. Their lives are becoming less virtuous and far more serial, and the potentiality of devils presents complications that are unpredictable and potentially incalculable in terms of the harm or 'bad' that could occur. The main issues reside within the realm of human greed or sin.

Eventually, behavior that is conducive to taking advantage of the point of starvation that is theorized to have come from a completely innocent human being begins to manifest. Girls, even, who would naturally conduct what the mother would do, in terms of her person being able chew out (or fast) the period to its full doctorally conclusive point of conduction, are unable.

The father is not in the narrative any further than his ability to attest to the girl of the family being cared for, and all of the Smith children are beginning to bring in art, information, and educational materials pertaining to sexual health and awareness that previously were non-existent in schooling or not present at all.

Potential instances of perversion and pedophilia are creating situations for murderous circumstances, and this truth is being accentuated by the middle Smith boy's doctorate being necessary but not being done. The parents of the community who are in the same circumstance are having to subsist in the twofold relationship of girls being given resources in either one parent's name or the other as well as boys being given resources in either one parent's name or the other, too.

Instances of perversion and pedophilia are increasingly creating circumstances where murder becomes possible wherein both parents and children are being negatively impacted. The father's (Anthony Ray Smith's) wisdom - seen in his leadership - and the middle son's (Israel Hiddai Smith's) knowledge - seen in his work in composing a doctoral solution - are slowly accruing to be naturally understood within communal relations, but the full circumstance is one which is gravitating toward the warring exchange no longer being present within innocent populations. It is one inevitably developing toward the life and death from perversion and pedophilia (of the now recognizable profanity of the situation) resulting in a serially interpretable need not being fully accounted for in any way.

Hungers from the youngest siblings (Abraham and Deborah) are naturally evolving to result in profanities that are negatively influencing the larger community of innocents present, also.

No answers are being given to the children by the parents, and the parents are going without communicating to their children in regards to how further access to food is to be conducted - as they themselves may not know.

*Brought to you by crack cocaine.

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