Non-Violent Barbarianism: Humanism, Virgin Principles, and Clean Eating

"Art becomes profoundly powerful when what one has done with genuine expression and creativity develops to carry lethality along the axes of not only both classical understanding and romantic understanding but also clownish understanding and comedic understanding, too."


Violence is a profoundly monolithic element that naturally arises when thinking of the past, and history is composed of an enumerable measure of violent events. With further exploration into the different periods that are listed in it as a narrative, the different periods inwhere violence can be traced are ones which wroughtly articulate uniquely profound behaviors that carry origins in cultural heritage. Barbarianism is one of those cultures. When something is described as barbaric, it constitutes the denotation of brutish activity and living. There would be no lasting peace in environments where barbarians lived because of the natural culmination of violence monopolized as disease, hunger, and death. An infinity of violence is one that sees to only curse and profanity, and for barbarians, this reality was consistently present. However, the age of barbarians could only last so long in the way they lived. Eventually, violence had to be done away with which is where non-violent barbarianism finds its terming. What grows this methodological understanding is the incorporant principle of humanism that is built on human history. Human beings are wholly formed from not only their past but also their larger histories and societal narratives, and the non-violent deviation within these histories is one that sees the fundamental grade of intellectuality intrinsically embedded in the inevitable revelation of humanity's propensity to grow from progress into the perpetual good that truly tells its story. The good, though, is shared by both sides of the barbarian story - from its violent past to its non-violent disciplines. It is one which compounds further with the element of sexuality naturally present in culture, and more so food culture. Virginity is that element, and for barbarians this meant a male or female who had not engaged in sexual intercourse or relations of any sort. It is a principled dynamic of development that has grown from its origins into the modern day, and by the philosophies seen as precepts in history, the fundamentals which serve as natural elements of integrity are ones that build, onward, the whole of what is seen in the arrayed terming of non-violence methodologically situated between barbarianism, humanism, and virgin principles.

With these words, find meditation on humanity as an encouraging metric of enlightening discipline, wherein a peace of the Lord may find a still in one's own knowledges surrounding not only violence but also general sentiments regarding harm and ill-giving. Taking on the above, then, like a serpentine constrictor gripping its prey to suffocate it of all life, let the peace of the Lord be upon you. Let it enravel you like the binding coils of a monstrous anaconda, until it is that you are stilled beyond return by the Lord God Almighty. Peace be upon you.

I am clean enough to eat because I am in no blood contracts (Faith). I am clean enough to eat because I am sexually inactive (Abstinence). I am clean enough to eat because I have given blood and am whole enough to do so (Sacrifice). I am clean enough to eat because my day and blood align rightly (Truth). I am food.

Notes on Clean Eating and Non-Violent Humanist Barbarianism,

🛩🚽 (Food) Murder (Food) 🚽🛩
🛩🚽 (Food) Rape (Food) 🚽🛩
🛩🚽 (Food) Perversion and Pedophilia (Food) 🚽🛩
🛩🚽 (Food) Child Rape (Food) 🚽🛩

Virtue. Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Virtue

🛩🚽 (Food) Serial Murder (Food) 🚽🛩
🛩🚽 (Food) Serial Child Murder (Food) 🚽🛩
🛩🚽(Food) Starvation (Food)🚽🛩

“With every moment of warmth, what do you need? Because at every moment there is a man, woman, boy, and girl who is either eating to you or not eating to you. With every breath of life and moment of warmth, all eight possibilities are occurring.”

An Implicate Understanding of Humanity

At every moment,

a…is eating to you
a…is not eating to you









Example Male Names

Example Female Names









Pope Cat, "Thoroughly disconcerted..."
Pope Cat, "I keep that meat in my mouth!"
Pope Cat, "Honeyshakum!"

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