Arthurian English Folk Series: Sword and Shield, VI

"Defeating the enemy is born in peace - not violence."

The years during Arthur's reign as a king had been characterized by peace, prosperity, calm, and joy, but during a brief period following Arthur's aging into his middle years of living, a small war brokeout between the knights of his court and a group of usurpers who were vying for power. 

The head of the splintering party was a knight by the name of Paul.

Paul was a strong and tenacious warrior who sought more for those who were willing to ask of it and abstained from associating with those who were content with the way in which the land was ruled. He wanted more for not only himself but also those who had more, then things would be better for the knights of the kingdom. Lancelot was Paul's rival. He knew that whatever people needed, they received, as long as they followed the rules. Arthur, as king, took up the position of keeping peace among those affected, but the two rivaling groups of knights remained at odds with each other, regardless.

Eventually a meeting was arranged wherein the two groups met and found out that a great, big festival was being planned that would be held every year for the knights who served the kingdom. Once they had heard, Paul and Lancelot were elated, and eventually every other knight in the rivaling factions rejoiced the same. No one had been harmed, and no fighting had resulted in loss. It was even that at the start of the first Festival of Knights, as the gathering would come to be called, the two party leaders were crowned as honorary kings for the whole of the royal event, where everyone celebrated and rejoiced. Prosperity, peace and happiness had never left.

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