Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Fundamental Philosophy Fun Fact and Mission of Possibility

The divine discipline of starvation may have built martial arts, but non-violence made it possible.


Truth, when a change is needed in humanity, be it to a specific human identity or otherwise, it is made.

A hallelujah to First Lady Annie "AG" Gaines and President Ignacio "Iggy" LaManna from the University of Alabama. Though it was some time ago, there union - be it standing or passed - is one that still inspires me to this day, as a beautiful manifestation of humanity's propensity to grow in environments that demand challenge and adaptation but are still tackled by the will of survival.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Major change

These charts were composed in 2025 - not 2024.

Shoutout to Golden Corral!


The most effective means by which to "smith", or instrument, a cure is by giving blood whole to contemporary humanity.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.

I am donating platelets here at 12:00 pm.*

*missed appointment

I am donating platelets here, tomorrow.


There is eternal competition found between the fields of math and mathematics., because there is a difference...

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Fundamental Philosophy

By Fundamental Philosophy Presidential University of Serial Murder Investigation, I have done good, today.

Justice for those who may not have a voice but speak the loudest!

Diversity builds nations. 🌈⭐!

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.

Integrity, if your nation has not stood without relying on those who have yet to be born, then you have not established virtue. It is how dialogue begins, by syntax and grammar.

Fundamental Philosophy

Truth, when a change is needed in humanity, be it to a specific human identity or otherwise, it is made.


Sacrifice, by taking up the mantle of using the restroom properly, one ensures a clean environment for everyone - not just their own person.

Sacrifice. Truth.

Abstinence, by observing this virtue, one stays in shape enough to be blood to someone.

Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.

Faith, the fat of the calf is in the nose.

Luke 15:22-32
Leviticus 4:8-28
1 Samuel 28:24

Friday, February 7, 2025

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.

One inherits the country of their crime, serially - with efforts properly taken to prevent and cease all cruel and unusual punishment.

Fun fact,
"Middle child syndrome" is a faux medical disorder that comes from the middle name of a person being the key to how they know love. One gifts the middle name of one person to another in the same moment that they receive theirs wherein the doctoral environment that results is one to be established as a middle ground. Commonwealth can be had their.

Fundamental Philosophy Presidential University of Serial Murder Investigation

Bloody murder! Bloody murder! Bloody murder! 🩸

I, Israel Hiddai Smith, am not a prostitute.

In human relations, church doctrine resides as the final authority. ✝️⛪

In surgical efforts and activity, doctoral military rule is to stand. 🇺🇸🌎

When charts are cross referenced with military time, all things are accounted for.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.

The infantry is the first and last place that people serve in the military, because it is the branch that allows one's person to know how the entire organization, or "nursery", works. If one does not make it there, they can qualify as a doctor (a business person with the knowledge of life and death) with the right training, or education, in civilian territory.

Fun fact,
The last thing you touched within an analog setting that called forth a song is how one knows murderous serialism outside of electronic, digital, or nuclear settings. Whatever it is that one calls singing, that is...😄.

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.

When sugar (one's name) is doctorally wanting food, water, and/or shelter, show...
  1. Faith in Leadership, Balance, and Kindness
  2. Abstinence in Purity
  3. Sacrifice in Family
  4. Truth in Righteousness
Which means...
  1. Clean with one's name.
  2. Do not touch anyone, unless it is invited.
  3. Give to loved ones.
  4. Speak correctly.
Because they was touchin' faces, and I'm tellin'...about the largest plague in history - The Black Plague.

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.

If I were to walk into the grocery store with only a penny, I would try to buy a vegetable that would weigh enough to only cost one penny. If I were to then go to the register only to find out that it does not weigh enough to cost something, I would be left to devices of philosophy. The store staff may charge me. I may simply be quick enough to walk away with the green bean, knowing that it does not cost anything, or an issue would arise that may or may not be addressed by either the store or the growers. A middle man then arises as necessary, potentially, but I would then be doing business with someone besides the store or even myself, wherein I would be suited to do something to bring the situation to be whole. Otherwise, I would be without access to food. Doctoring becomes necessary to survive. That is where things like fundamental philosophy come from.

Fundamental Philosophy,
Cross reference charting with the military tracking of time. Then, surgically approach the situation by classical mechanics.


If you gon' drink dat coffee, you gon' drink dat chocolate. An' you gon' drink dem both, cuz they go together. Hot chocolate and coffee go in the same cup. They is suppos' tuh be in the same. They is two ingredients. They fo' each other. Iss' mocha.

Cuz in America, we call it chocolate-coffee. Cuz iss' the Pulitzor.

Follow the drinking gourd... Matthew 13:42

Look tuh dem folk. Talk tuh dem people. You gon' be alright. Hallelujah.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Benediction of Virtue

When you is good to people, they gon' love you, but when you is right wit' people, they gon' know you.

Benediction of Virtue

You can work every day of your life, but you gon' need to make somethin' at some point. People gon' need to see that, cuz' iss important to keep believing in yo' self. Your work is proof of that. Iss' gon' define you.

People is always gon' be hungry, but you gotta be full. Otherwise people always gon' be hungry. An' thass a blessing an' a curse, but God is the final say. Amen.


When the money good, they gon' feed you. People eat healthy when you prepared for them, an' iss easy to do right by them, cuz' they want to do right. Thass why love go so hard.

Faith. Abstinence.


February 4, 2025, Tuesday, 12:24 pm -

...So I'm having difficulty downloading this YouTube video that has some of Andre 3000 best verses, and all of a sudden this woman appears in the screen who is completely devoid of melanation - it seems. After switching back and forth between the YouTube downloader screen and the other pop-up/spam, I finally got the video. It was actually an mp3 conversion. I felt like my phone was being non-violently boarded by pirate criminals. Christ 😣!

Shoutout to the Haywood House fire. 🔥 

Rest in peace Rolling Hills.

Special mention to Kent Dixon. A peace be upon the Dixon home.

Go rams!


Monday, February 3, 2025


Outside of general implications, the works of this library serve as a means of identifying the humanities listed within its paging wherein one can isolate the specific foods necessary to conduct doctoral action by utilizing the humanities involved and the works which helped identify them. Identifying is a form of lethality insothat a complete identification at the surgical grade necessary allows for doctoral action to be conducted and completed. One can even eat meat to the humanity of the doctoral condition, contingent upon the humanities implicated and if the implications are applicable in the instance of the condition.
