Wednesday, May 8, 2024

A Message of Love

πŸ›«Airplanes are used for knowing love. Love is how any doctoring can be understood wherein the necessary actions can be effectively calculated and taken. A long time ago, it was known as the full reach of humanity’s breadth. It is still so, but it is called love as a word shared by all to heal, mend, and care for all those who walk in humanity’s light. When you know how "shit" you are not (how it is that your fertility would feed those impacted by your biological actions), you go to the airport with the “crime” you have committed to see what it takes to clear it, and once a decision has been made on it, one either agrees or goes 'higher' or 'lower' in court according to the action they would like to take regarding the decision. The ending result is one following along with the love they know, which is the love that all know, but as one grows and changes, so too does the love they know.πŸ›¬

All of this is possible because airplanes don't actually leave the ground. They are built to get everybody in one place to take decisive action on what needs to be addressed and taken care of. The premise is based on what would make a child's dream come true. Respecting one's imagination, how would one doctor or formulate the perfect recipe for joy and happiness within an 'airline crew'? The result is one of humanist base and humanism serves as the avenue for serving the ideas to the throes of humanity.

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