Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fundamental Philosophy of Diseases, Conditions, Ailments, et cetera

One of the easiest ways to consider the different conditions which exist with human history and science is how the human body 'eats to' being whole while in the throes of the condition. Does the human body eat clean to being whole or does it eat unclean to being whole? The process is one that can be outlined with the direct pathology of the complete and full expression of the humanity present in the 'taking in' of energy as one which produces wholeness. Regardless of what the circumstances are regarding the 'kind' or 'sort' of wholeness, when one takes in 'food' or 'energy' wholeness naturally happens, it is just the means by which a human body (and even more so humanity) can sustain that wholeness that determines the suppositional integrity of the action. Sexually transmitted diseases, infections, conditions, ailments, et cetera are as they are because the different blooded relations between any and all persons who exist in creation come to be ones that place people ('human beings') in a position where they can not eat to wholeness among each other. A supposed 'limit' is placed on their ability to exude and exemplify wholeness. It does not mean that sickness is inevitable or present, BUT after a time,  that inability to conduct the suppositional 'wholeness' which is being actuated by the taking in of 'food' or 'energy' (especially in the company of those who eat with and among one's person) will result in an insufficiency. A part of one's humanity, and even more so 'human body', will starve. That starvation is the result of the above posed wholeness not being able to be actuated or fulfilled to its full and complete degree or measure.

A fundamental approach to the above philosophy can be written in the form of the following example:

If a farmer grows food and someone cannot eat to the wholeness, and subsequent cleanliness, that the farmer's food naturally and holistically conducts and imparts, then they will starve. This will be from the food and energy that the farmer produces being such that those who are not able to actuate and bide with their full humanity will be ones who will not be able to be a part of the cycle of growing and producing what is integral for life to happen. Written plainly: Because one cannot completely take in ALL of the humanity found present in what is integral for life, one will starve. A human being has to be able to take in ALL elements of the food production equation - whether or not they are physically present or a part of that element in its conduction. Otherwise starvation will transpire in some shape form or fashion.

Different understandings around holism and wholeness seat the above in different wisdoms and philosophies, but for the intents and purposes of this library, fundamentalism is what spells for its narrative and prose. From a fundamental perspective and philosophy, any and all conditions, diseases, illnesses, ailments, et cetera can be made whole by either starving or feeding whatever the issue may be - be it a physical or interpretable hunger or any other type of need.

The fundamental philosophy of doctoring, then, can be written as, "Anything that has ever gone wrong or resulted in 'bad' can be traced to starvation. If something happened that was not whole and not complete, it was because of starvation. Something, or someone, did not eat."

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