Thursday, September 26, 2024

Fundamental Philosophy of Eating Clean

WARNING! While reading be mindful of time, cleanliness, and correctness. Issues with any of the following are to be directly attributed to murder, perversion, and pedophilia - respectively. [TO BANISH THE DARKNESS FROM THE LIGHT, THE FOLLOWING WORDS ARE TO BE SPOKEN IN THE ORDER THAT THEY ARE TYPED - ASS. FUCK. BITCH. SHIT. HELL. DAMN. | THESE WORDS GRANT FOOD, WATER, AND SHELTER TO THOSE WHO WOULD OTHERWISE HAVE DIFFICULTY AND SPEAK THEM ALSO IN THAT ORDER | NOT ALL HOMES ARE CONDUCTED THE SAME.]

The practice of gaining a large amount of weight (excesses of body mass that span out of proportion with one's healthy and capacitative frame) is one that comes from eating long enough to murder. Murderers don't have the resources in the modern day to acquire enough food to eat and kill in a way that outpaces blooded virtues. Though they would be naturally understood, virtues are not always blooded, so they can be forgotten from starvation. Murder, itself, comes from when there is 'enough' to do something wrongfully - regardless of whether or not there is enough 'starvation' or enough 'eating' (as a suppositional counterpart). When there is enough 'virtue', too, the same rule applies wherein virtue gluttonously wins by a murderous accord.

This concept plays heavily into the dynamics of different websites like The ability to conduct wrongful killing not only at the human level but also at the hematological level is possible with the above-described overeating practice. The different arrangements for wrongful killing then come to be, again based out of the pathology outlined in this site. (See also;;;;

Going further, the concept of how it is that murder is surgically resolved to a full and resolute human degree is a practice that builds from knowledges liken to that above as well as the notes that can be seen past this passage.

Within the lymphatic system, there are specific viral bodies that are 'documented' within its databases that are able to be handled because of the system's capacity to record and maintain a history of the different invading bodies which have made the attempt to take advantage of the body's systems. Contingent upon the circumstances of the different instances of immune response, sometimes, the red blood cells are able to properly conduct the immune response without direct and extensive aid from the immune system - if it is needed at all. When the immune response is one that is recorded, documented, and recognizable by the red blood cells, then the process of wholely engaging and 'handling' the viral bodies comes to be a matter of hematological capacity that finds a wrought basis in the lymphatic capacities. What was once a job strictly done by the immune system comes to be fully conducted by the circulatory system wherein heart health more than suffices as a means by which to conduct immunological action and even propagate one's own bodily growth along human axes of interpretation. 

Eating is integral for heart health, so when studying the habits and patterns of human populations, the different modes and methods of survival come to be contingent upon food, as well as water and shelter, for not only comprehending the survival but also making sense of it to a whole and complete degree. The cadence of 'food, water, and shelter' moves to a rhythm that stands to see collective efforts as ones which build and maintain communal infrastructure and integrity. Historically, within governing infrastructure, there is a point where the populace moves from its founding methods of business to more advanced means of technological and economic progression. When this transpires, different groups shift and alter in accordance with their comfort of economic activity. The activity that then transpires dictates how it is that business is to be done for the future and ongoing development of the region. The agricultural infrastructure of the governed body and populace dictates this process to the greatest degree wherein the technological development of society surrounding 'food, water, and shelter' determines and dictates how it is that societal health and well-being can be understood.

From the archaic periods of human existence to the next moment (after reading this) where one may find their person conducting business to feed, water, or shelter their person (and their populace), there is the principled construct of there being a moment where one's genealogical history (richly mixed with the wealth of business) articulates how it is that they not only conduct business but are successful the same. When it is that one is to truly murderously trace the moment of eating and starving to certain actions, there is the theoretical provisioning of the moment of either eating or starving in the exchange occurring when the serially specified electrochemical reaction that finishes the whole of the hematological dealing of what would otherwise be a wrought immunological reaction is able to be articulated as being one that either increased the body's activity, decreased the body's activity, or did not impact the body at all. In that chemically traceable moment, the larger history of governance comes to be made clear as one that evolves to be an ongoing story of survival wherein all find the inclusion and active knowledge of communal standing to be one that invites one to doctorally develop further their actions and decisions of survival. One can involve their person effectively in the familial and worldly conversation of politics, because the point of starvation which is of natural inquiry when an issue arises is able to be traced to the universal hematological condition above. Being educated on that electrochemical moment described above is where the history, music, mathematics, and truth of humanity and existence unfolds to reveal the sacred story of both life and death gifting of everlasting peace.

Fundamental Philosophy.

In the link below can be found a novel invoice which uses numbers to articulate the current business day and the historical disciplines found in its conduction.

Fundamental Philosophy
The drive to eat (also known as hunger) and the drive to not eat are both hormonally conducted about a human beings dynamic morphology and physiology by principles of wrought mathematics. The hormonal process that makes a person hungry and the hormonal process that says a person is not hungry are both facilitated by measures which are strictly calculable wherein lies the suppositional ‘limit’ of human capacity that is not truly where one may find their humanity - as it can reside elsewhere, by degrees that are only calculable through divine interpretation. However, the dynamics of that ‘battleground’ are built on principles which span into profound complexes of conduction which are oft seeded in the intermarriage of earthly and heavenly principle. The conversation of life and death evolves beyond what would mayhaps be seen as a fundamental means of articulation when the above finds a direct incorporance and implication in how it is that one processes something as simple as daily habit, daily thought, daily behavior, and the patterns which align across that triumvirate.

Consider the following notes from previous posts as key stone guiding points to why it is that the world finds its current predicament and standing at the degree and point which it does today. The landscape of any government and financial system can be unforgiving at the same time that it is rewarding, and the United States (one of the youngest governments ‘alive’ today) is an example of that historical fact and truth.


  • "The term 'power', or the expression of 'having power', comes from when a person or persons know of when a person or persons do and do not starve. The balancing component is found in how the different elements of the relevant relationships maintain their dynamic of stability so that the 'power' does not fall apart. Brotherhood, or fraternity, seen in biology, is a natural relationship which articulates the above concept within step of natural and principled understanding. "

  • "If ever there seems to be a divide between how things are ran and how things are, the dividing point can be surgically found and traced to where money, or monetary currency and exchange, transitions between analog instrumentation and digital instrumentation. A majority of occurrences can be traced to that 'locale' within church literature, church history, church doctrine as well as government literature, government history and government doctrine. [Art and blood can also be considered as substitutes]"

  • "United States Pony Express…and directly after…the advent of railroad technology bringing about the capacity for food, communications, infrastructural revolution, and human logistics."

  • "Athletes compete for many things, but the one thing that they know that they win at the end of the day is the space they create for themselves wherever they go."

  • "The principled understanding of whether or not that space that one creates is one that feeds or starves one's person is built on a two-fold dichotomy that is not always so clear cut. Sometimes the space that one creates for one's person on and off of the field of play both starves and feeds one's person."

  • "Getting down to the...'nitty gritty'...The United States takes six sides to make a honeycomb. The nitty gritty…"

  • "The shift from analog to digital business relations created patterned instances of starvation within societal infrastructure that have had impacts on human society (all throughout 'the world' [and existence*]...) which can still be seen to this day."

    • Consider each and every branch of the world's military as the first organized endeavors of human exploration into those "environments" (land, sea, air, and beyond)- both physical and intangible.

  • "One of the first things a slave driver or 'catcher' does when it is that they are wanting to cast a person or persons into chains is cut off the capacity for communications."

"Music" drastically compounded and developed all of the above - as mathematics was already implicated - wherein "food" - as its counterpart - resides as holy.

A signature hallmark, or 'milestone', which may be able to be genealogically traced to the 'financial event' above, is when the red blood cells of one's body - and the red blood cells alone - no longer carry the potentiality to decisively conduct immune responses against invading bodies that are already registered within the body's systems. That is when malnourishment begins to leave one's person disposed to immunological capacities which can lead to wrongful death. The history of one's literal 'human fitness' can, theoretically, be directly tied to when how one conducted business transitioned from analog instrumentation to digital instrumentation.

The solution for the above then pans into how it is that the triangulated and traced starvation is to be dealt with along the lines of seeing to its whole and systemic serialism articulated to the point of full and complete address. Legal history, medical history, and educational history are the mathematical bedrock for how it is that the above is surgically resolved for all human beings, and from that formulation, the standing systems and measures of subsistence "bide" as more than palatable for what needs to be completed in terms of work and effort. Fundamental Philosophy.

The above was the reason for my siblings and I's parents' divorce. Anthony Ray Smith and Yashica Cheree Smith - now returned to her maiden name, Yashica Cheree Belfour.

"Be it ancient history or the modern-day United States, when the transition from analog business to digital business occurs, starvation is recorded as having consistently happened." - The more you know ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒŸ!

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