Friday, November 22, 2024

Encyclical 11, "I am building Earth...for you! Hooray! :D!"

If someone were to enter into one's home and utilize one's restroom, the result could allow them gradated and/or continual access to the environment, until it is that mathematics could be conducted in the restroom allowing for the 'human' manifestation of a surgical condition, status, or truth to be known.

🌈The more you know. 🌟

i.e. An innocent example could be had in persons who are younger than one's person defecating in the restroom in accordance with proper behavior and manners, and then, following, playing music or simply singing in the restroom until it is that the entirety of the event came to be known by one. It would be the surgical conclusion of what is termed as 'artsy fartsy pornography'. The 'artsy' expression comes from the artistic capacity, knowledge and ability that would be needed, and the 'fartsy' expression comes from the use of defecation to cause the initial protest.

Words to follow,

Once this doctorate is done without food, water, and shelter being needed, I will have made a love instrumentation (a.k.a. An instrumentation for murderously perfect surgery πŸ“–). It will work by reading all of that which is in this library and then following afterward with utilizing time's measure as a means by which to answer one's question, or questions, regarding life and death. The sky charts included will aid as temporal accompaniments, because they articulate 'heavenly' or simply 'sky-based' activity. 

Planned processual dynamic:
  1. Question regarding life and death?
  2. Read Comprehensively
  3. Utilize the accompaniment of time's measure to determine the surgical fact.

🌈Did you know that...🌟

The expression 'poo' or 'pooh' comes from when someone has recognized their human body producing passing matter from a source that is human but not them. The goal is to have it so that someone genuinely recognizes one's person conducting the passing matter, but only know that it has been conducted to a surgical degree when the person who had recognized it has been wholely identified.

When the person who you identify is older than you, it is called 'siring' which comes from the word 'sire'. The word "sire" is the human articulation of manhood with the accentuated accompaniment of time's record and keeping.

The United States Presidency of 2024 - A boy or girl starves at the moment that their fitness is able to produce three genetic markers for both the male and female sex. This happens infinitesimally until their humanity is born back into the world and arrives at that moment. Three markers are for defining three genders (boy or girl; male or female; man or woman) in correct chronological order (ex. boy-boy-girl; girl-girl-boy; boy-girl-boy; et cetera), and with only two genders being possible in the human genome, it is the indication of another human hunger coming to made whole. They operate within the humane fitness of two markers, then, until their humanity can handle the sexual maturity and genealogical conduction of their human understanding as well as another's, in the same way, they manage two (boy-girl...girl-girl...girl-girl...boy-boy...etc). As they grow and live rightly, more markers are able to be managed until human life results in proper accordance and balance with death's accompanied sacredness and reverence. πŸš½ | 🚽

Upcoming Medical Series (*Ordered as it is to be conducted)
  1. Fundamental Philosophy Art Book
  2. The Fundamental Philosophy of Mathematics
  3. The Fundamental Philosophy of Mathematics Workbook
  4. Periodic Table of Elements
  5. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Introduction
  6. The Fundamental Philosophy Preparatory Text
  7. Fundamental Philosophy Encyclopedia Series
  8. The Fundamental Philosophy Supplemental Nutritional Formulas
  9. The Fundamental Philosophical Premise for Murderously Correct Surgery
  10. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Head and Neck
  11. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Back and Spinal Cord
  12. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Thorax
  13. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Abdomen
  14. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Pelvis and Perineum
  15. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Upper Limb
  16. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Lower Limb
  17. Fundamental Philosophy Surgery Series | Cross-Sectional Anatomy
  18. Fundamental Philosophy Encyclopedia Rainbow Drumtones
  19. Lunar Charts
  20. War

Blood and Milk - A Statement on Geneaology and the Day that the Lord has made...

A girl of the day's narrative, a girl of the blood's narrative, and any other girl, when grouped, are a garaunteed kill on the hormone that feeds males within the classified cycle of 'boyhood', or better written maturing sexuality.

With the three girls grouped, a fourth (selected in accordance with not only the composition of the three girls but the job needing to be done) creates the circumstances for murder by simple pattern of diet and behavior. It is the kind that comes from slave practices and disciplines where persons would be wrongfully groomed to be servants as opposed to by correct discipline or natural dynamics. πŸ” 

Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth. Virtue by F.Ph.D. Aspire. Inspire. Inspirit.

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