Sunday, September 15, 2024

University Direction! Fighting alongside the Barbaric Victory over Prostitution!

Given the tracing of the point of starvation within the standing infrastructure, the university will be directing its efforts toward distributing literature and resources that will allow for the proper allocation and distribution of resources to surgically provision food, water, and shelter to earth's populace.

No job is too small! Virtue shines the brightest in the dark! Faith. Abstinence. Sacrifice. Truth.!

Post Script,

It helps to remember that during this period encouragement is what builds people up! Toilet shaming or shaming someone with excuses that allow one to 'rationalize' belittling or lowering someone who uses the restroom seeds one in the camp of prostitution, and it will be one's undoing. True military discipline relies on all elements and members of its body to be built up and encouraged! It does not matter what the circumstance, it is a practice AND discipline in prostitution to 'shame' someone if they use the toilet in a way that someone else is not comfortable with. It is the way of the damned.

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