Thursday, December 19, 2024

Continued Plans for Global Development

  1. Establish an educational agenda that will empower the populace with the tools necessary to approach the contemporary world as it grows and develops
  2. With the establishment of an ongoing agenda in education, law and medicine will evolve to house all of what will be needed to be seen as clear for the continued progress of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
  3. The perfection of surgical training, practice, and discipline will grow into the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) field which will result in a populace that is well educated and capable of making healthy whole decisions.
  4. The inevitable result is an ease of lifestyle and survival for those who reside at any level and sector of the world.
  5. That inevitability is what will permit the proper conduction and provisioning of food, water, and shelter, and from their, the only thing that need be maintained is the virtuous religious observance of life and death's sacredness.
  6. The word virtue translates to balance.
  7. 🌈⭐Fun comes after! 😃🏀🌍🌎🌏🏀😄
Comb the links listed to see where it is that the continued progress to sustained logistics will be facilitated.

...And remember! 💡

If you consume enough vegetables whole and break them down entirely, no other human being has the ability to talk down to you - about anything!

🌈⭐The more you know!

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